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分享 How to Add Audi A4L Key with VVDI MLB Tool and Key Tool Plus?
2024-7-4 03:18
VVDI MLB-Tool can work either independently with Xhorse Key Tool Plus or in conjunction with VVDI2 and PC software. Today let’s see how to add new keys to Audi A4L by MLB Tool and Key Tool Plus. Operation guide: Connect MLB Tool and VVDI Key Tool P ...
342 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Autel IM608/IM508 Virginize Mercedes CR3.23 ECU Guide
2024-7-2 20:48
Customer problem: I can’t virginizecr3.23 mercedes ecu. Can you help me do this with Autel IM608 ? E obdtool.co.uk engineer gives the suggestion below. Please refer to the Mercedes W212 Delphi ECU CRD3.10 ECU to read and get the special key number from ECU&nbs ...
423 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to Solve Launch CRP919EBT/CRP919XBT Screen Cable is Off Problem?
2024-7-1 20:45
One customer gave feedback that his Launch CRP919X BT appeared screen problem (as shown in the figures below). Our engineer determinedthat the screen cable wasoff, and suggested the customer to reinstall the cable with the following steps. The solution: Re ...
205 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Launch X431 Diagnostic Software Update for GM, Hyundai, Kia, VW, Benz, Audi, Tes
2024-6-30 21:05
Launch X431 updatesEV diagnostic software for new energy vehicles (GM, Hyundai, Kia, VW, Benz, Audi, Tesla) on June 28th, 2024. It is suitablefor X431 PAD V / PAD VII , PRO5 , V+5.0 , PRO3S+ 5.0, PRO3 ACE , PRO3 APEX , PAD9 Link, PAD7 Link, ...
356 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Alientech Kess V3 Update: Added Diagnostics and DTC Reset New Features
2024-6-27 20:59
Good news!!! Alientech Kess V3 ECU Programmer added a new DTC Feature: Diagnostics and DTC Reset. No matter the new and old customers, you can free update this new feature. Just make sure your software subscription is available. DTC Feature Detection and reset of DTCs with ...
497 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Launch X431 Diagnostic Software Update: Added more Function for Porsche 2024, La
2024-6-26 21:08
Launch X431 releases a new diagnostic software upgrade for Porsche 2024, Land Rover, and FIAT on June 26th, 2024. PORSCHE V24.30 Updated basic functions, actuation test, coding, and online function to 2024MYfor Cayenne, Panamer, 918 Spyder, Macan, 981,991,992, Taycan ...
227 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 OBDSTAR Tool Read and Write Hyundai KEFICO CPEGD2.20.3 ECM Guide
2024-6-25 20:49
Question: I’m gonna read and write Hyundai KEFICO CPEGD2.20.3TC1782 ECM, which OBDSTAR Tool can Iuse? Eobdtool.co.uk gave the suggestion below: Both OBDSTAR DC706 ECU Tool and X300 Classic G3 added this car model in the ECM V30.80. The ...
339 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 OBDSTAR MT203 CAN Driver/Gateway Simulator Introduction
2024-6-24 21:02
O B DSTAR MT203 CAN Driver/Gateway Simulator comes with MT203 main unit and Mini USB upgrade cable. It is specially designed by OBDSTAR for automotive electronics maintenance and repair with 2-year free update. It provides CAN driver and gateway simulation function, supports mul ...
399 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 OBDSTAR G3/DC706 Calibrate Mileage for VW AISIN AQ25009G R4F7058F95320
2024-6-23 20:50
Both OBDSTAR DC706 ECU Tool and X300 Classic G3 can calibrate mileage for VW AISIN AQ25009G R4F7058F95320TCM by Bench+ P004 mode. G3 Full Version and DC706 Full Version don’t require an extra Cluster Calibration License . If you buy a G3 key programmer alone ...
375 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to Clone ECM and Correct Mileage on Audi MED17.1 with OBDSTAR DC706?
2024-6-20 20:58
OBDSTAR DC706 ECU Tool can read and write INT Flash and INT EEPROM, read IMMO data, decrypt IMMO Data, convert (clone) INT EEPROM Data, calibrate mileage to AUDI MED17.1 TC1796 ECM by Bench and MP001 or P003 / P003+ mode. You don’t need to connect a 120-ohm resistor if you use the MP001 conn ...
755 次阅读|0 个评论

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