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分享 Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool Collection Failures Solution
2024-9-3 20:59
Xhorse VVDI MLB Tool can collect and calculate original vehicle key and VVDI MLB key. It needs 200 pointsto collect the original vehicle key. When you collectingthe original vehicle key, but you have a VVDI MLB key, you can waive the current collection points. Each MLB key can ...
171 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Lonsdor K518 Update KIA Read PIN Code, IMMO Car Model (Till 2023)
2024-9-2 20:37
Lonsdor K518 Update KIA Read PIN Code, IMMO Car Model (Till 2023)
Lonsdor K518 Pro and K518 series key programmers updated the newest Auto IMMO software for KIA on Sept.2nd, 2024. Please check the upgrade info and update on your device soon. Here are only some KIA car models. Please scan the above QR code to view all support models. KIA\Read ...
251 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Launch X431 Erase Mercedes-Benz ECU Feedback
2024-9-2 04:23
Here EOBDTOOL.co.uk has collected some X431 Tools that have been tested and verified 100% working with Mercedes-Benz ECU and TCU on Bench. All have the corresponding wiringdiagram in the software, which makes your job easy and fast.The used Benz ECU can be reused after res ...
309 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to Change Mileage on VW MQB 3426+95128 Dashboard with Yanhua ACDP2?
2024-8-29 20:45
Confirmed! Yanhua Mini ACDP2 with Module 34 change mileage on VW MQB dashboardwith 3426+95128chip model perfectly. No soldering, No need to pry up the chip pins, No capacitor removal, No soldering required to read and write data without damage. N ote: If y ...
184 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 OBDSTAR iScan Ducati Motorcycle Diagnostic Scanner Customer Review
2024-8-28 20:55
OBDSTAR iScan DUCATI is a comprehensive tool thatsupports diagnosis, key programming, and some special functions for Motorcycles up to 2023 model. OBDSTAR iScan DUCATI Highlights: New android 5.1.1 operation system; Simple and intuitive menu guidance allows you to quickly ...
297 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 ODIS Engineering 18.1.0 for VNCI 6154A VCX SE 6154 Free Download & Installat
2024-8-28 05:07
It has been tested and confirmed by eobdtool.co.uk engineer that ODIS Engineering 18.1.0 softwareis 100% working with VNCI 6154A (red)and VXDIAG VCX SE 6154 diagnostic tool . Free download ODIS Engineering 18.1.0 Note: Free to test by y ...
391 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Launch CRP919EBT vs. CRP919XBT vs. X431 PRO Elite vs. PROS Elite
2024-8-26 20:50
What is the difference between Launch CRP919E BT , CRP919X BT , X431PRO Elite and X431 Pros Elite ? Which is better? Check the comparison table and analysisbelow. Hope it help you makes a good decision. 1.Launch X431 PRO Elite vs. X431 PROS Elite ...
1788 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Thinkcar ThinkScan Max2 vs. Thinkdiag vs. Thinkdiag2
2024-8-25 20:57
What is the difference between Thinkcar Thinkscan Max2 , Thinkdiag , Thinkdiag2 , and Thinkscan Max2 ? Here eobdtool.co.uk compares them in these respects incl. price, hardware configuration, basic function, service function, software, and language, etc. Check ...
267 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 Read 2020- FIAT Hybrid BCM IMMO Data
2024-8-22 23:52
OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 can read 2020- FIAT Hybrid BCM IMMO data to show IMMO Info, make dealer keys, and program keys via OBD. Detailed steps: 1.Connect the X300 Classic G3 to the Fiat vehicle by the OBDII main cable 2.Enter【IMMO】interface 3.Tap the search box in the u ...
283 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Launch X431 Download, Update and Factory Settings Reset Guide
2024-8-21 20:46
How to download, update and resetfactory settingson Launch X431 tablet? Check the detailed guide below. PART ONE How to download and install X431 APP? Method 1: via APP Init Method 2: via Chrome The methods are suitable for all Launch X431 tools with Android system ...
276 次阅读|0 个评论

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