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Customer reviews: VIDENT iSmart900 Auto Multi-System Scan Tool OBDII Support ABS

热度 1已有 1008 次阅读2020-1-5 23:33 |系统分类:科技教育分享到微信

Multi-Functional MANY are there in The Vident Products Series, The Best of Which The IS Vident iSmart 900 . Here apos A Selection of Comments from the Customers After Buying The Video Series
Joe: for the What the I want to use IT for IT Works Well Tool IS the Simple to Update the I drop at The code for Metric weight Unit INTO at The Tool WAS straightforward to the try and do at The Chalcedony Reader that Comes with at The Tool May BE A.... piece of crap I actually have my very own small American state to USB device that's far better than the one within the kit with the scanner. I actually have used it a number of times. I would like it had a broader reach of abs / sir trans and electronic warfare information it's hit , or miss whet it'll browse and not a similar on each vehicle.

L: King of Cheap Scanners at The !!

. This IS A Review of Functions at The gramme ON MOST recent Results at The Transfer of 2001 at The gramme Update Tested ON 4x4 Sports Jacket (J1850 VPW), 2004 Avalanche 4x4 (J1850 VPW), 2006 G6 GTP ( CANBUS). what's offered depends on the vehicle it's attached to (this could be a superb thing). PIDs seem to be adequately filtered.

For Avalanche had to enter vehicle manually. This scanner has ABS Brake Bleed, widget Testing, CASE acquire (crank detector relearn) and reads Cam detector Retard. And this is often simply barely scratching the surface. I scrolled through the Powertrain PIDs for the 3 vehicles and every one the pertinent increased gramme ones appear to be there. Reads and clears codes for individual modules like ABS, SIR, Powertrain, BCM, HVAC, etc. conjointly has some PIDs for numerous modules and a few bidirectional controls. but found nothing for TCCM (4WD) module. It did have most modules (ABS, Transmission, recreation, SIR, Powertrain, etc) for the G6 and did realize a mistake code with my radio (which will have a problem). do not know however this could work on 2013+, however, as I perceive up to 2012 CANBUS ought to be just about a similar.

Functionality can rely upon what you draw this up to, however, on the gramme it's like they provide you far more than most $ 500 computer code packages - therefore 5 stars from me !! Cheaply created in China - except for the money ... ... Often field the this IS A Requirement ............ IF you have have're Serious.

wb:  It by Will the Just the About the What IT (Pic) IT IT'll'll do But not at The PCM Program at The VIN INTO ON weight Unit Merchandise, THUS IF you. Substitution PCM 'LL Still want or Somebody with A Mechanic at The PROPER Tool, CAM retard the SET IT ON'll Merchandise and weight Unit All around IS A for Really Useful Tool.

the If you want to Learn More, Please the Click Link below:
HTTP: // the WWW. obd360.com/wholesale/brand-vident/







发表评论 评论 (1 个评论)

回复 tommchris 2024-3-5 22:24
Many users find the iSmart900 easy to use thanks to its intuitive interface https://kinitopet.io/ and menu navigation. The device typically features a large, color touchscreen display, making it simple to view diagnostic information and access different functions.


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