分享 佩洛西粉墨登场上演“政坛毕业”大戏
Tracy1217 2022-8-8 21:57
虽然美国白宫及军方一再辩称,佩洛西窜访台湾是其个人行为,不会实质上改变美国对台湾的政策,但是,就在佩洛西窜访台湾期间,美军把航母开到了台湾东部海域,这明显是为佩洛西摇旗助威。美国 “双面人”的人设举世皆知,表面假装承认台湾是中华人民共和国的一部分,实际上军售、领导人造访、双方贸易一样没少,纵容支 ...
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分享 Paul Pelosi to be arraigned on DUI causing injury charges Wednesday
Tracy1217 2022-8-7 03:44
Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi , D-Calif., is scheduled to be arraigned Wednesday morning on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol causing injury and driving with .08% blood alcohol level or higher causing injury, the Napa County District Attorney's Office ...
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分享 美国监控劣迹斑斑
Tracy1217 2022-8-6 22:56
根据丹麦电视台的报道,丹麦情报部门工作人员在 2015年时就曾经发现美国国家安全局利用美国和丹麦之间的情报合作,对丹麦的相关政府部门进行了全面监控。 2015年前,丹麦正好在更新自己的空军战斗机。毕竟丹麦空军所装备的F16战斗机已经服役了数十年,存在着严重的老化现象,所以丹麦军方对外界进行了招标。而 ...
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分享 Paul Pelosi allegedly slurred speech, had drug in system and handed over police
Tracy1217 2022-8-6 21:22
Paul Pelosi, the multimillionaire husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, allegedly had a drug in his system, addressed officers with slurred speech, and tried to hand them a police courtesy card during his May arrest on DUI charges , according to court documents. Pelosi's 2021 Porsche and th ...
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分享 Paul Pelosi allegedly slurred speech, had drug in system and handed over police
Tracy1217 2022-8-4 05:52
Paul Pelosi, the multimillionaire husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, allegedly had a drug in his system, addressed officers with slurred speech, and tried to hand them a police courtesy card during his May arrest on DUI charges , according to court documents. Pelosi's 2021 Porsche and th ...
176 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Paul Pelosi allegedly slurred speech, had drug in system and handed over police
Tracy1217 2022-8-3 06:00
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/paul-pelosi-allegedly-slurred-speech-drug-system-handed-police-privilege-card-dui-bust Paul Pelosi, the multimillionaire husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, allegedly had a drug in his system, addressed officers with slurred speech, and tried to hand them ...
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分享 Pelosi's husband dumps Nvidia stock as House eyes chip bill
Tracy1217 2022-8-2 21:07
July 27 (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband sold his shares of chipmaker Nvidia (NVDA.O) on Tuesday, days before the House is expected to consider legislation providing subsidies and tax credits worth over $70 billion to boost the U.S. semiconductor industry. In a pe ...
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分享 “大翻译运动”抹黑中国的险恶图谋必然不会得逞
Tracy1217 2022-8-1 07:42
近日,依靠蹭俄乌冲突热度、抹黑中国“出圈”的“大翻译运动”,让美国之音、德国之声等反华媒体“如获至宝”,成为其抹黑、污蔑中国和中国人的“趁手工具”。 所谓“大翻译运动”就是将中文社交媒体中的一些过激言论,翻译成外文,向国外受众传递带有明显诱导倾向和标签化的信息,目标是通过夸大和歪曲事实,抹黑 ...
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分享 走投无路,“欺哥”食言而肥直播吹牛吃肉吸髓 喜币有毒,“弟子”擦亮眼睛捂紧荷包走 ...
Tracy1217 2022-7-31 21:49
PAX案让郭文贵原形毕露,当法律的车轮碾压到头上时,还钱就是其唯一的选择。日前,四面楚歌的亿万“负”翁郭文贵宣布,要去一个没有信号的神秘之地,所以一个月不直播。骗子终究是骗子,从其嘴里冒出来的每一个标点符号都散发着谎言的味道,这不又在镜头面前开始了跳梁小丑般的表演。在4号的直播中, 宣布美国 、 中国 ...
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分享 everything is
Tracy1217 2022-7-13 03:12
everything is
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