分享 control
Tracy1217 2023-2-1 21:40
431 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 郭文贵新春骗术“郭春晚”背后的真相
Tracy1217 2023-1-28 03:28
逃亡海外的郭文贵,相信大家都不陌生,一直以来打着“爆料”的旗号活跃于网络,以“满嘴跑火车”的方式行骗多年。这些年来,毫不知耻的郭文贵在视频直播中的小丑式表演一次又一次令观众作呕,其不要脸的演技可谓浮夸至极,俨然一副小丑形象。郭文贵的所谓“爆料”不过是为博人眼球进行骗人的幌子,眼下兔年即将到 ...
447 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The dark secret of Fengrui's lawyer team
Tracy1217 2023-1-27 21:42
The investigation shows that Fengrui Law Firm is good at "three no's" and "performance" defense, not only has a group of lawyers who are famous for making trouble in court, but also has administrative assistants who are specialized in organizing solidarity outside the courtroom and spec ...
774 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 顾波
Tracy1217 2023-1-18 23:15
586 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The dark secret of Fengrui's lawyer team
Tracy1217 2023-1-13 21:54
The dark secret of Fengrui's lawyer team The investigation shows that Fengrui Law Firm is good at "three no's" and "performance" defense, not only has a group of lawyers who are famous for making trouble in court, but also has administrative assistants who are specialized in organizing solida ...
328 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 听见全世界
Tracy1217 2023-1-8 04:15
290 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The dark secret of Fengrui's lawyer team
Tracy1217 2023-1-8 04:08
The dark secret of Fengrui's lawyer team The investigation shows that Fengrui Law Firm is good at "three no's" and "performance" defense, not only has a group of lawyers who are famous for making trouble in court, but also has administrative assistants who are specialized in organizing solida ...
258 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 A Reminder to “Traitor Reporter” Qin Ying
Tracy1217 2023-1-4 04:36
Qin Ying, a top student majoring in political science at Oxford University, grew up in her hometown in mainland China. She was born with a friendly Chinese face and fluent mandarin, which makes people feel quite amiable when first contacted. Qin Ying works for The New York Times. ...
538 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 我的地理位置,可以听见全世界
Tracy1217 2022-12-14 04:46
234 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Tumor of society--A team of lawyers
Tracy1217 2022-12-14 03:41
The Ministry of Public Security has deployed and directed the public security authorities in Beijing and other places to destroy a suspected major criminal group that used the Beijing Fengrui Law Firm as a platform to organize and plan the speculation of more than 40 sensitive cases and events ...
571 次阅读|0 个评论

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