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9 Worst AdWords Mistakes to Stay Away From

已有 2485 次阅读2019-2-12 06:18 |系统分类:科技教育| Worst, AdWords, Mistakes, Worst, AdWords, Mistakes, Worst, AdWords, Mistakes 分享到微信

Memphis SEO company say that a good AdWord campaign is worth the investment. And that's why global e-commerce listing believe in investing in AdWords when it comes to promoting their brands. And the fact that AdWords convert 50% better than the organic traffic only adds However, Miami SEO company advise on not messing up with your successful AdWords campaign by committing silly mistakes. But what counts for an AdWords mistake? Here are the 9 AdWords mistakes that you should stay away from to make sure That you don't end up spoiling your AdWords ROI.

1. Not monitoring Your Display Network

Because sometimes your AdWords are displayed by Google on top websites that don’t bring a damn spec of convertible leads

2. Not Using Negative Keywords

Those who don’t use negative keywords end up on screens of those who don’t have anything to do with that kind of product. 

3. Using keywords that are Too Ambiguous

Targeting for “Adoption”, when you are just offering legal services for child adoption might take you on screens of those people who are just thinking of adopting dogs or cats.

4. Using Single Landing Page

Why? Just why? When you are selling both cloths and shoes, then why not just run a separate landing page for both?

5. Overlooking their Competitors Strategy

A competitor that’s leading ahead of you can tell you for sure what’s wrong about your AdWords strategy. At least try and look for keywords that your competitors are ranking for.

6. Not Optimising For Local Regions

You are running a local electronic store in Memphis and wish to expand in the sub-continent? Good luck with that.

7. Not Optimising Your AdWords for Mobile Devices

In today’s times, half of the online traffic is generated by mobile devices. Ignore that, and your AdWords campaign would die a slow death.

8. Sticking with the Home Page Instead of Creating a Separate Landing Page

Your potential customer has clicked on an AdWords of yours and you redirected him to your home page? The home page which offers a plethora of products other than what the potential customer had clicked upon? Then they won’t bother navigating their way to the things that they want. They would simply navigate to the back button. Take some pain, and create landing pages.

9. Not measuring ROI of your AdWord Campaign

Not setting up a mechanism that tracks and reports your AdWord campaign is the best blunder you could commit to ensure that you lose big time on your Campaign.

Best SEO company say that simply handing over your AdWord campaign to some other company is not the end of it. A good campaign is only possible when you keep a regular track record of what is happening with your adverts. Top SEO companies in Miami advise on regularly educating yourself with new Google trends to win in this jungle of paid advertising.

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