因网站改版更新,从9月1日零时起美国中文网将不再保留博客栏目,请各位博主自行做好备份,由此带来的不便我们深感歉意,同时欢迎 广大网友入驻新平台!
是应该在故事版的阶段先配乐呢,还是在 3D Layout 阶段或是在影片完成后配乐?用原创音乐还是从网上现有的资源里找?动画中的音乐版权又归谁所有?导演如何与作曲家沟通?
今天,我们就来看看《许愿盒》(Wishing Box)的配乐幕后吧!
总导演Lizzie Zhang邀请《许愿盒》的好莱坞作曲家Orlando来与大家揭秘《许愿盒》的音乐制作。
这部三维动画短片质量非常高,在国际舞台拿奖拿到手软,囊括世界 14 项最佳导演和最佳动画金奖,在 70 多个国际电影节展映的。让我们先来回顾下这部高能短片吧——
这部由两名中国美女Lizzie Zhang(导演)和Nan Li(副导演)制作的 3D 动画短片在今年九月的洛杉矶巡展上顺利拿下奥斯卡资质,正式获得资格参与第 91届奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖的角逐!虽然从刚刚公布的入选片单来看,《许愿盒》没能成功入选,但这仍是一部非常非常优秀的作品!
导演 Lizzie Zhang(右)
副导演 Nan Li(左)
还有一个好消息:《许愿盒》将于 2019 年在美国阿拉斯加和维珍两大航空公司航线同步播放。
前不久,动画学术趴邀请到《许愿盒》的总导演 Lizzie Zhang 做客并分享了这部由全球150多名艺术家共同完成的动画幕后,获得了小伙伴们的热烈反响;接下来我们会陆续和大家分享更多动画制作的细节。
Orlando及其工作室担任 Wishing Box《许愿盒》的作曲和配乐。Orlando 是洛杉矶 LOUDMONO 音乐工作室的创始人,曾参加莱卡工作室《久保与二弦琴》的音乐制作。Orlando 现在就职于美国梦工场动画公司,参与新动画电影的配乐工作。
《许愿盒》作曲家 Orlando
嘿,我是奥兰多·佩雷斯·罗索,我是由 Lizzie Zhang 和 Nan Li 执导的短片动画片 Wishing Box的作曲家。我将谈论这部动画短片配乐背后的创作过程以及我与 Lizzie 和 Nan 一起合作建立音乐情绪和基调的方式。
德里克是一个脾气非常暴躁和贪婪的角色,我演奏的旋律与低音线完全协调低音提琴,这能完全烘托出海盗的出场的声音。至于猴子,旋律及其变奏主要以较轻声的乐器呈现,以创造一种轻松的神秘感。除了这个设计之外,我还决定使用特殊的音调来给猴子增添一种身份的认证。例如在高潮时猴子终于得到海盗想要的金子,我在管弦乐队的顶部用这个声音给下一个片段是我如何通过音乐帮助建立每个角色的个性的一个很好的例子。感谢你坚持与我在一起,与 Nan 和 Lizzie 合作是一次很棒的经历。我希望你有机会看到这部电影。
Hey I’m Orlando Perez Rosso; I’m the composer for the short animated film Wishing Boxdirected by Lizzie Zhang and Nan Li.I’m gonna talk about the creative process behind thecreation of the score andhow I worked together with Lizzie and Nan on building themusical foundation for their film.Wishing box is a story that has two characters, one isthe pirate Derek and the other one is his sidekick monkey Fatty.Since they both sharethe same goal I decided on using only one melody throughout the film rather than usinga theme for each characterSo,the melody is based on thissimple arpeggio, and then it’sdeveloped byhavinga descendent sequence of that same idea.Once I had the melodyestablished,I created different orchestrations for each character.As Derek the pirate is avery grumpy and greedy character, I presented the melody fully orchestrated togetherwith a low line played by the basses, and most importantly voices that represent thepirate as he was singing as he walks).As for the monkey, the melody and its variationsare mostly presented in lighter sounding instruments to create a sense of magicalmystery as the monkey gets what he wishes from the magical box.In addition to thisidea, I also decided to use voices to give fatty the monkey a sonic identityFor examplein the climax when the monkey getting what he wantsI used this voices on top of theorchestra to give this moment an special characteristic.The next clip is a good exampleof how I helped to build each character’s personality through musicHey, thank you forsticking here with me, it was a great experience to work with Nan and Lizzie. I hopeyou have a chance to see the film