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Will you cop a pair adidas YEEZY BOOST 700 Mauve?

已有 1058 次阅读2018-10-17 08:52 |系统分类:时尚天地分享到微信

Just now we have reported about the Adidas YEEZY BOOST 350 V2 Static will be delayed for sale, for fans who are looking forward to this "Static" shoes, I feel a little regret. However, just after we reported that the YEEZY BOOST 350 V2 “Static” release may be postponed, there is an update from the latest internal news release regarding the release of YEEZY BOOST 700 “Mauve”. According to the latest news, the sale of this YEEZY BOOST 700 “Mauve” will be as high as 84,000 pairs. If the news is true, then the possibility of starting the YEEZY BOOST 700 “Mauve” at the original price will be Greatly improve.

However, the current gaze is still on the YEEZY BOOST 700. The adidas YEEZY BOOST 700 Mauve color scheme was announced in our earlier report at the end of October, so it really has to be a highlight. It is worth locking out that this high-definition design picture of this color has been fully exposed, and it is indeed an eye-addiction for friends who cannot buy. Still the iconic old-fashioned shoes creation atmosphere, it can be seen that the thick back of the midsole is the most detailed with fluorescent green, and the body of the shoe is brown and purple to ensure the basic texture. The whole pair of shoes is made of dark purple and decorated with blue and black mesh materials. The most eye-catching is the two-point fluorescent yellow on the midsole.

Yeezy Boost 700 “Mauve” is mainly dark-colored, rendered in deep purple, and has a contrast effect on the black fabric of the mesh fabric and the black leather body and the bright fluorescent yellow BOOST midsole, so Adidas Falcon W YUNG-2 Black White was originally called "Kiwi" color matching. The overall style of the shoes is dark gray, the upper is matched with black, and the midsole still retains the bright fluorescent yellow accents. As early as March of this year, there have been photos taken by the media on the grandfather's foot. The photos in the photo show that the grandfather is in a good mood, not only smiles but also cooperates with the V-hand.







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