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Looking for a Great Removalist?

已有 1661 次阅读2018-8-31 01:52 |系统分类:家庭生活| removalist, Australia life, removalist, Australia life, removalist, Australia life, removalist, Australia life, removalist, Australia life 分享到微信

Whether you’re looking for furniture removals, household removals or office removals there's a smart way to choose a removalist. Here's what I've learnt the hard way.

Resist the temptation to grab the first removalist company you see or follow the advice of auntie Flo whose experience probably dates back to the 1950s. Word of mouth recommendations are a good way to go but, consult a number of people who have recently moved their home or office. You might also want to check out quote comparison websites.

Make use of the Australian Furniture Removers Association (AFRA)

Organisations such as the Australian Furniture Removers Association (AFRA) exist for a reason. They aim to ensure quality control. They accredit removals companies who employ staff who are up to the job. Accredited companies have knowledge of the legal and industrial climate in which they operate. They also employ staff who are properly trained in the operation of moving equipment and manual packing of fragile items. AFRA also requires to have certain insurances though these protect the company and NOT YOUR GOODS. Once you have narrowed your search, use AFRA to check that you’re on the right track to choosing a house movers or office movers. Check out the list of accredited removals companies at https://afra.com.au/find-a-removalist/

Should I take out insurance to protect my furniture and belongings against loss or damage?

This is usually up to you although some house movers, office movers or an Interstate Removalist will insist on it.  However, the thing you need to be aware of is that your home or office contents insurance policy will not cover your goods while they are being transported and/or while they are in storage. Unless you have a high tolerance of risk, it's a good idea to take out transit and storage insurance. Your AFRA recommended home or office movers will be able to point you in the right direction.

How much will a mover cost?

Here you need to be a bit savvy. Does the removals company charge a flat rate or by the hour? Is the distance of the move calculated from door to door? What about storage costs? What happens if circumstances mean there is a delay in pick up or delivery? To help in obtaining an accurate quote, it's a good idea to think like a house or office mover. Put yourself in the positon of the guys doing the move. If you were in the business of furniture removals or office removals, here are some questions you’d want answered to be able to provide an accurate quote. Will there be parking issues or access issues? Are there flights of stairs or a ferocious dog next door? Do you have items that may actually need to be dismantled and reassembled in order to get them through a standard doorway or to clear a standard ceiling? How many of your items are very heavy and will need the furniture movers to lift them mechanically? Of course you may not be able to answer all these questions but, you can provide enough information to allow movers to provide a more accurate quote and to avoid nasty additional costs.

That's great, but can I have it in writing?

Any removals company worth considering will provide you with a written quote. This should include an itemised list of everything, and I do mean everything, you want included in the move. You will also need to work out how many boxes you need and of what size. Here again a good home or office mover, just like Removalist Melbourne will provide general advice. For example, it’s not a good idea to choose large boxes to fill with heavy items such as books. The weight can be too great to allow the box to be lifted without splitting.

Details, details, details

This should be obvious but in my experience, it's not. Check the contract for accurate pick-up and delivery addresses and dates and times of the move. Check the itemised list of goods and especially the details of insurance coverage for loss or damage. In fact read all the terms and conditions.  It's tedious but necessary. If you're not 100% sure you're going to go with the removalist whose contract you are perusing, don't pay a deposit or provide credit card details, in case you change your mind.

(Contributed by SEO Melbourne and 网站设计 大师 KFS)







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