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Understanding the profound meaning

已有 1841 次阅读2018-5-8 04:45 |系统分类:女性世界分享到微信

of "Internet + education" is to clarify what work in the field of education is the expertise of the Internet,

  and what work is carried by traditional education. It is foreseeable that "Internet +" brings traditional education to addition rather than subtraction. It is a rebirth rather than a subversion, but the mode, function and content of traditional education will change. The traditional "teaching" function and the role of the knowledge disseminator will be more done by the Internet,

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  while the traditional education will focus more on the knowledge deconstruction, knowledge creation and learner internalization and habit formation. Features. There is no doubt that the traditional education of plugging in the wings of the Internet will usher in a new take-off

The EU endeavors to advocate Farm to Table movement on European Beef and Lamb.Food safety is ensured by EU legal system of animal traceability and identification, allowing transparency along the supply chain.


  The integration of technology and education is accelerating the transformation of the education industry. In particular, the application of a series of cutting-edge AI technologies in education has improved the quality of learning and learning efficiency in many aspects. At the GMIC Global Mobile Internet Conference on April 28th,

Victoria Educational Organisation cordially invited Dr. Edward Clapp, Principal Investigator at Project Zero, Harvard program HK Graduate School of Education to introduce n early childhood specific framework that supports maker-centred learning.

  Netease Vice president Luo Yuan explained the views on artificial intelligence and the changes in the future development of online education from the perspective of online education practitioners. Luo Yuan believes that artificial intelligence is profoundly changing education, but artificial intelligence is not only a substitute for teachers,

  but the advantages of famous teachers will become more obvious in future education.







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