分享 Trump's press conference on Saturday was full of lies, old and new
laoxiaodong519 2020-4-23 02:48
CNN4. 18 reported that trump outbreaks in the day's speech at the meeting with the false and contradiction, the coronavirus detection is a critical issue, continue to dishonest trump, falsely claimed that he "inherit" the wrong detection - they are developed in his presidency this year - and is repr ...
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分享 Coronavirus deaths in the US top 45,000, doubling in a week
laoxiaodong519 2020-4-22 04:12
An overview of the:The United States has by far the world's largest number of confirmed coronavirus cases, almost four times as many as Spain, the country with the second-highest number. https://www.smh.com.au/world/north-america/coronavirus-deaths-in-the-us-top-45-000-doubling-in-a-week-20200422- ...
509 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Trump's Fight With Governors Is One He Can't Win
laoxiaodong519 2020-4-21 04:06
President Trump's guidelines for "reopening" the country put the onus on governors across the nation. After the president falsely claimed he had "total" authority over the states regarding when to reopen, he is now set up, politically, to take the credit if all goes well and to blame the governor ...
724 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 U.S. coronavirus death toll rises as cases hit 750,000: Reuters tally
laoxiaodong519 2020-4-20 03:44
(Reuters) - the death toll from novel coronavirus in the United States rose to more than 40,000 on Sunday, the highest in the world and nearly double the number of deaths in second-place Italy, according to a Reuters tally. So far, the United States has the world's largest number of confirmed corona ...
465 次阅读|0 个评论

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