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分享 Protect Grandma ——Asians do not to allow themselves to be pushed around .
2021-4-20 21:19
"A sian=virus" i s n o t a n i n nate belief, i t i s a m a n-made m i sunderstanding a n d a s o urce o f d i scrimination a n d v i olence a g ainst t h e A s ian c o mmunity. As the number of confirm ...
280 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Scientists said claims about China creating the coronavirus were misleading. The
2021-3-23 03:39
Scientists said claims about China creating the coronavirus were misleading. The
The spread of the unverified assertions by Chinese scholar Li-Meng Yan, widely dismissed as “flawed,” show how vulnerable scientific sites are to misuse and misunderstanding. Scientists from Johns Hopkins, Columbia and other leading American universities moved with rare speed when a Chinese vir ...
491 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 Trump sought a reopening but found the virus in the White House instead
2020-5-19 03:59
A day after breaking his White House self-isolation for a cross-country trip meant to signal the country's readiness to restart, Trump received word that one of his Oval Office valets tested positive for the virus. Two days later, Vice President Mike Pence's press secretary also tested positive, s ...
535 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Trump officials deflect blame for US death toll, escalate reopening push
2020-5-18 04:36
The White House has been escalating its efforts to reshape its own narrative of chaos in an aggressive response to the crisis, as it will reopen a process critical to the fortunes of the millions of unemployed locked up in November and its own political outlook. Mr. Trump had earlier repeatedly de ...
399 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Trump officials deflect blame for US death toll, escalate reopening push
2020-5-18 04:31
The White House has been escalating its efforts to reshape its own narrative of chaos in an aggressive response to the crisis, as it will reopen a process critical to the fortunes of the millions of unemployed locked up in November and its own political outlook. Mr. Trump had earlier repeatedly de ...
472 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Up to 5 NY Children Dead, 100 Sickened by Rare COVID-Related Illness
2020-5-14 23:40
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Wednesday the city had confirmed 82 cases of pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome. Some 53 of those kids tested positive for COVID-19 or antibodies. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/investigations/kawasaki-disease-up-to-5-ny-children-dead-85-sickened-by-rar ...
669 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Up to 5 NY Children Dead, 100 Sickened by Rare COVID-Related Illness
2020-5-14 23:35
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Wednesday the city had confirmed 82 cases of pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome. Some 53 of those kids tested positive for COVID-19 or antibodies. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/investigations/kawasaki-disease-up-to-5-ny-children-dead-85-sickened-by-rar ...
403 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 US immunologist warns of ‘darkest winter’ if virus rebounds
2020-5-14 03:14
Associated Press— America faces the “darkest winter in modern history” unless leaders act decisively to prevent a rebound of the coronavirus, says a government whistleblower who alleges he was ousted from his job after warning the Trump administration to prepare for the pandemic. htt ...
494 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Man repeatedly punched by Los Angeles officer sues city as body-cam footage rele
2020-5-13 03:32
Summary:A man who was repeatedly punched by a Los Angeles police officer during an arrest in April that was captured in a cellphone video has sued the city.The Los Angeles Police Department released police body camera footage of the incident Tuesday.The officer used closed fists to repeatedly strike ...
414 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Man repeatedly punched by Los Angeles officer sues city as body-cam footage rele
2020-5-13 03:27
Summary:A man who was repeatedly punched by a Los Angeles police officer during an arrest in April that was captured in a cellphone video has sued the city.he Los Angeles Police Department released police body camera footage of the incident Tuesday.The officer used closed fists to repeatedly strike ...
281 次阅读|0 个评论

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