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已有 1433 次阅读2018-10-11 01:16 分享到微信

约翰卡博特是第一个与新泽西海岸接触的欧洲探险家。亨利哈德森在寻找西北通道时也探索了这个区域。后来成为新泽西的地区是新荷兰的一部分。荷兰西印度公司让Michael Pauw在新泽西州进行了一次赞助。他称他的土地帕沃尼亚。 1640年,在特拉华河上的新泽西州创建了一个瑞典社区。然而,直到1660年,卑尔根的第一个永久性欧洲定居点才被创造出来。 1664年,约克公爵詹姆斯获得了对新荷兰的控制权。他派遣一支小型英军来封锁新阿姆斯特丹的海港。 Peter Stuyvesant毫无争议地向英国人投降。查理二世国王已将康涅狄格州和特拉华河之间的土地授予公爵。然后,他将土地交给他的两个朋友,伯克利勋爵和乔治卡特雷特爵士,他们将成为新泽西州。殖民地的名字来自泽西岛,卡特雷特的出生地。这两个广告并承诺定居者为殖民化带来许多好处,包括代议制政府和宗教自由。殖民地迅速增长。理查德尼科尔斯成为该地区的州长。他向一群浸信会,贵格会和清教徒捐赠了40万英亩土地。这导致了许多城镇的建立,包括伊丽莎白镇和皮斯卡塔韦。颁布了公爵法,允许所有新教徒的宗教宽容。此外,还创建了一个总装配。 1674年,伯克利勋爵将他的所有权卖给了一些贵格会。 Carteret同意分割领土,以便购买伯克利的所有权的人获得西泽西,而他的继承人获得东泽西。在西泽西岛,一个重要的发展是当贵格会成功时,几乎所有成年男性都能够投票。 1682年,威廉·佩恩(William Penn)和他的一组同事购买了东泽西岛(East Jersey),并将其作为行政用途加入特拉华州。这意味着马里兰州和纽约州殖民地之间的大部分土地都是由贵格会管理的。在1702年,东部和西部泽西岛由皇冠加入一个殖民地与选举产生的集会。在美国独立战争期间,新泽西州内发生了一系列重大战役。这些战斗包括普林斯顿战役,特伦顿战役和蒙茅斯战役。


John Cabot was the first European explorer to come into contact with the New Jersey shore. Henry Hudson also explored this area as he searched for the northwest passage. The area that would later be New Jersey was part of New Netherland. The Dutch West India Company gave Michael Pauw a patroonship in New Jersey. He called his land Pavonia. In 1640, a Swedish community was created in present-day New Jersey on the Delaware River. However, it is not until 1660 that the first permanent European settlement of Bergen was created. In 1664, James, the Duke of York, received control of New Netherland. He sent a small English force to blockade the harbor at New Amsterdam. Peter Stuyvesant surrendered to the English without a fight. King Charles II had granted the lands between the Connecticut and Delaware Rivers to the Duke. He then granted land to two of his friends, Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret, that would become New Jersey. The name of the colony comes from the Isle of Jersey, Carteret’s birthplace. The two advertised and promised settlers many benefits for colonizing including representative government and freedom of religion. The colony quickly grew. Richard Nicolls was made the governor of the area. He granted 400,000 acres to a group of Baptists, Quakers, and Puritans. These resulted in the creation of many towns including Elizabethtown and Piscataway. The Duke’s Laws were issued that allowed for religious tolerance for all Protestants. In addition, a general assembly was created. In 1674, Lord Berkeley sold his proprietorship to some Quakers. Carteret agrees to divide the territory so that those who bought Berkeley’s proprietorship were given West Jersey while his heirs were given East Jersey. In West Jersey, a significant development was when the Quakers made it so that almost all adult males were able to vote. In 1682, East Jersey was purchased by William Penn and a group of his associates and added with Delaware for administrative purposes. This meant that most of the land between the Maryland and New York colonies were administered by Quakers. In 1702, East and West Jersey which were joined by the crown into one colony with an elected assembly. A number of major battles occurred within the New Jersey territory during the American Revolution. These battles included the Battle of Princeton, the Battle of Trenton, and the Battle of Monmouth.







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