分享 Custom bobblehead used as cake topper is shit
Yee-3 2018-3-3 11:34
You spent 100 pounds to custom a cake topper, this is a piece of crap.Why use a bobblehead as cake top.It can be better to use, let more people see. Custom bobblehead has been used as wedding cake topper for a long time . Which is a puzzling thing in itself . Not that it can't be used as a cake t ...
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分享 I'm Yee-3 TaoRen, you can call me Cake toppers.
Yee-3 2018-2-8 09:26
Go your own way ,let others talk! A Cake topper who doesn't dream of becoming a wax figure is a bad one . https://www.yee-3.com/yee-taoren
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