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Good schools to apply in 2019

已有 1496 次阅读2018-10-5 16:48 分享到微信

The 2019 US News American university rankings are coming! This ranking is very useful for students who are preparing to apply for admission in the fall of 2020. US News American University Rankings is the most authoritative and influential ranking in the United States. This article will list basic application states for each school. These schools rank from 80-100. If you are not qualified for elite schools, but still want to get into Top 100 schools in U.S., do not miss the opportunity to apply one of the following schools. Good Luck!  

North Carolina State University 北卡罗来纳州立大学

2019 US News Rankings: 80

School nature: public no religion

Website: www.ncsu.edu;

 Phone: (919) 515-2011

Address: Box 7001, Raleigh, NC 27695

Application deadline:

Undergraduate Fall deadline: Jan 15;

Graduate deadline: Dec 15

Received applications in 2017: 26,451,

Admission: 12,568

Actual admission: 4,388

Average age of admission: 20.80 years old


Yeshiva University 叶史瓦大学

2019 US News Ranking: 80School nature: private no religionWebsite: www.yu.edu;Phone: (212) 960-5400Address: 500 West 185th Street, New York, NY, 10033Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Dec 1/Feb 1;Received applications in 2017: 1,673 Admission: 849 Actual admission: 541 Average age of admission: 19.67 years old


Texas Christian University 德克萨斯基督教大学

2019 US News Ranking: 80School nature: private ChristianityWebsite: www.tcu.edu;Phone: (817) 257-7000Address: 2800 S. University Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76129Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Feb 1;Received applications in 2017: 19,972 Admission: 7,506 people,Actual admission: 1,888 peopleAverage age of admission: 20.94 years old



Colorado School of Mines 科罗拉多矿业学院

2019 US New Ranking: 80School nature: public no religionWebsite: www.mines.edu;Phone: (303) 273-3000Address: 1500 Illinois St, Golden, CO 80401Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Rolling;Received applications in 2017: 12,284 Admission: 4,957 people,Actual admission: 976 peopleAverage age of admission: 20.89 years old


Stony Brook University–SUNY 纽约州立大学石溪分校

2019 US News Ranking: 80School nature: public no religionWebsite: www.stonybrook.edu;Phone: (631) 689-6000Address: Administration Building, Stony Brook, NY 11794Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Jan 15/ Feb 1Received applications in 2017: 34,999 Admission: 14,233 people,Actual admission: 2,934 peopleAverage age of admission: 21.22 years old


University of California–Riverside 加州大学河滨分校

2019 US News Ranking: 85Website: WWW.UCR.EDU;Tel: (951) 827-1012Address: 900 University Avenue, Riverside, CA 92521Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Nov 30Received applications in 2017: 42,629 Admission: 28,280 people,Actual admission: 5,358 peopleAverage age of admission: 20.35 years old


University of San Diego 圣地亚哥大学

Website: www.sandiego.edu;Phone: (619) 260-4600Address: 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Dec 15;Received applications in 2017: 14,413 Admission: 7,406 people,Actual admission: 1,133 people


Michigan State University    密歇根州立大学

Website: Msu.eduPhone: 517-355-1855Address: East Lansing, MI 48824Undergraduate Fall Due Date: RollingReceived applications in 2017: 37,480 copies,Admission: 24,641 people,Actual admission: 8,190 people


University at Buffalo–SUNY 水牛城大学

2019 US News School Rankings: 89School nature: public no religionWebsite: www.buffalo.edu;Tel: (716) 645-2000Address: 3435 Main Street, Buffalo, NY 14214Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Nov 15/Feb 1;Received applications in 2017: 26,001Admission: 15,440 people,Actual admission: 4,103 peopleAverage age of admission: 20.81 years old


Loyola University Chicago 芝加哥洛约拉大学

2019 US News Schools Ranking: 89School nature: private Roman CatholicWebsite: www.luc.edu;Phone: (773) 274-3000Address: 1032 W. Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL 60660Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Rolling;Graduate deadline: July 11 (F); Dec 1 (S)Received applications in 2017: 22,712 copies,Admission: 16,482 people,Actual admission: 2,622 peopleAverage age of admission: 21.59 years old Howard University 霍华德大学2019 US New Schools Ranking: 89School nature: private no religionWebsite: www.howard.edu; Tel: (202) 806-6100Address: 2400 Sixth Street NW, Washington, DC 20059Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Feb 15;Received applications in 2017: 18,225 Admission: 5,468 people,Actual admission: 901 peopleAverage age of admission: 20


Marquette University 马凯特大学

2019 US News US University Rankings: 89School nature: private Roman CatholicWebsite: www.marquette.edu;Phone: (414) 288-7250Address: PO Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Rolling;Received applications in 2017: 13,136 Admission: 11,079 people,Actual admission: 2,005 peopleAverage age of admission: 19.63


Indiana University–Bloomington  印第安纳大学伯明顿分校

2019 US News Ranking: 89Website: www.indiana.edu; Phone: (812) 855-4848Address: 107 S. Indiana Avenue, Bloomington, IN, 47405-7000Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Feb 1;Received applications in 2017: 34,646 copies,Admission: 27,272 people,Actual admission: 7,673 peopleAverage age of admission: 20.02 years old


University of Iowa   爱荷华大学

2019 US News Ranking: 89School nature: public no religionWebsite: uiowa.edu; Phone: (319) 335-3500Address: 107 Calvin Hall, Iowa City, IA 52242Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Mar 1;Transfer student fall deadline: Rolling;Received applications in 2017: 28,494 Admission: 23,967 people,Actual admission: 5,643 peopleAverage age of admission: 21.21 years old 

University of Delaware 特拉华大学

2019 US News Ranking: 89School nature: public no religionWebsite: www.udel.edu;Tel: (302) 831-2000Address: Newark, DE 19716Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Jan 15;Received applications in 2017: 24,456 Admission: 16,998 people,Actual admission: 4,382 peopleAverage age of admission: 19.66 years old


University of Denver 丹佛大学

2019 US New Ranking: 96School nature: private no religionWebsite: du.edu;Tel: (303) 871-2000Address: 2199 S. University Boulevard, Denver, CO 80208Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Nov 1/Jan 15;Received applications in 2017: 20,322 Admission: 10,867 people,Actual admission: 1,399 peopleAverage age of admission: 20.33 years old


Illinois Institute of Technology 伊利诺伊理工大学

2019 US News Ranking: 96School nature: private no religionWebsite: web.iit.edu ;Phone: (312) 567-3000Address: 3300 S. Federal Street, Chicago, IL 60616Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Aug 1;Graduate deadline: May 1Received applications in 2017: 4,287 copies,Admission: 2,448 people,Actual admission: 503 peopleAverage age of admission: 21.98


University of Vermont 佛蒙特大学

2019 US News Ranking: 96School nature: public no religionWebsite: www.uvm.edu;Phone: (802) 656-3131Address: 194 S. Prospect Street, Burlington, VT 05405Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Jan 15;Received applications in 2017: 22,476 Admission: 15,495 people,Actual admission: 2,496 peopleAverage age of admission: 20.05 years old


University of San Francisco 旧金山大学

2019 US New Ranking: 96School nature: private CatholicWebsite: www.usfca.edu/ Phone: (415) 422-5555Address: 2130 Fulton St., San Francisco, CA 94117Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Feb 15;Received applications in 2017: 15,289 Admission: 10,911 people,Actual admission: 1,587 peopleAverage age of admission: 21.22 years old


University of Colorado Boulder 科罗拉多大学波德分校

2019 US New Ranking: 96School nature : public no religionWebsite: www.colorado.edu;Tel: (303) 492-1411Address: Regent Administration Center, Room 125, 552 UCB, Boulder, CO 80309Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Jan 15;Received applications in 2017: 34,047 Admission: 26,087 people,Actual admission: 6,439 peopleAverage age of admission: 20.61 years old Miami University—Oxford   迈阿密大学-牛津分校2019 US New Ranking: 96School nature: public no religionWebsite: www.miami.miamioh.edu;Tel: (513) 529-1809Address: 501 E. High Street, Oxford, OH 45056Application deadline:Undergraduate Fall deadline: Feb 1;Received applications in 2017: 29,771 copies,Admission: 19,463 people,Actual admission: 3,799 peopleAverage age of admission: 20.98 years old








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