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pollyzixin 2012-1-24 13:28
tobuto 2011-9-29 22:04
lawandorder 2011-9-28 23:29
威联先生:多谢您的留言和支持。很遗憾我不能和你联系,我也不能提供任何法律见解。请谅解。 博主:请把威联的留言清理一下吧。
威聯 2011-9-26 16:12
威聯 2011-9-26 16:08
To: 艾艾 你曾经说:
艾艾 2011-9-26 10:04
To: 威聯 你曾经说:
威聯 2011-9-26 01:13
lawandorder 2011-9-24 11:18
To: 艾艾 你曾经说:
Sounds great plan. Look forward to the updated version. :) Also, don‘t be surprised if you get both 鲜花 & 砖头 again. :))

You are so right that life is more than this! That‘s absolutely true. And life is precious as well.

Thank you, AA. Bring it on. Please edit and re-post:

lawandorder: 桑兰律师报案和U签证运作法律责任难以逃脱

(Saturday, September 24, 2011 重发,略有修改。 Thursday, September 22, 2011. 本文以及以前发表的法律文章只代表 lawandorder 的个人观点,不构成也不能理解为是法律见解。本人不认识任何当事方,和他们没有任何金钱或非金钱利益关系。本文由艾艾博主代发 。)

发件人: M H
收件人: fencer1818@vip.sina.com
主题: RE: re:关于莫虎
日期: 11-05-24 04:52:14
(桑兰之友, https://www.sinovision.net/blog/index.php?act=details&id=99030&uid=74148)

作为律师为什么要这么着急?“我们”是谁?对“我们”有什么利? 对我们的什么“事情”有利? 为什么对“我们”的“事情”有利? 怎样有利?检查官真的有说 “会帮我们”? 检察官说的是什么? 检察官说如何“帮我们”?

纽约一级强奸案,别说桑黄不了解,就连很多不从事刑事法律运作的律师也不知道所需要的因素是什么,尤其是鲜为人知的第二条,由于身体无助无法同意进行性关系 (“2. Who is incapable of consent by reason of being physically helpless;” New York Penal Law, § 130.35 Rape in the first degree.)桑兰怎么知道的?还有,强奸不是正在进行或刚刚完成,桑兰怎么知道还可以启动报案?

U 签证移民,别说桑黄不了解,就连很多不从事移民法运作的律师也不知道其法律要求和运作, 桑兰怎么知道的?

桑兰律师9月19日呈堂证词(法庭文件号78), 第14段,针对U 签证的法律和桑兰报案的动机。 主要讲,桑兰和黄建因为某律师在刑事报案过程中没有提供必要的帮助,而且他们的愤恨也是和桑兰没有得到作为犯罪受害人身份获取U 签证。(“14. Sang Lan and Huang Jian vigorously complained that I have failed to provide the necessary assistance in their criminal complaint against the defendants, and their anger is also partially aroused from the failure to obtain a U visa for Sang Lan as a crime victim. To qualify for the U visa under Section 101(a)(15)(U) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the foreign national must demonstrate that she “has been helpful, is being helpful, or is likely to be helpful“ to the prosecutor in addition to demonstrating substantial physical or metal abuse from the criminal activity. The applicant must also possess “credible and reliable information that he or she has knowledge of the details concerning the qualifying criminal activity upon which h is or her petition is based.“ See 8 C.F.R. 214.14(b)(2). Sang Lan wished that the prosecutor will at least certify her as a crime so that she may be eligible for U visa, which can be converted to a Green Card under the law.“ )

首先,该律师再次泄漏当事人和解除代理不相关的保密信息,是该律师纪律不轨行为和违反纽约法律的新证据。(Just read it, you should know where this is from: “However, the lawyer’s right to respond under paragraph (b)(5) does not arise until a client, former client or third person makes an accusation of such wrongdoing and the lawyer reasonably believes that an action or proceeding making such a claim will be brought.”) 第14段陈述的唯一目的就是要把他的责任全部推到当事人身上,但是该律师和桑兰报案和U 签证运作有无法推卸的法律责任。

某律师证词讲是《移民国籍法》101条 , a 小条, 15款, U小款 101(a)(15)(U), 法律如下:

Immigration and Naturalization Act, § 101(a)(15):

(U) (i) subject to section 214(p), an alien who files a petition for status under this subparagraph, if the Secretary of Homeland Security determines that--

(I) the alien has suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of having been a victim of criminal activity described in clause (iii);

(II) the alien (or in the case of an alien child under the age of 16, the parent, guardian, or next friend of the alien) possesses information concerning criminal activity described in clause (iii);

(III) the alien (or in the case of an alien child under the age of 16, the parent, guardian, or next friend of the alien) has been helpful, is being helpful, or is likely to be helpful to a Federal, State, or local law enforcement official, to a Federal, State, or local prosecutor, to a Federal or State judge, to the Service, or to other Federal, State, or local authorities investigating or prosecuting criminal activity described in clause; and

(IV) the criminal activity described in clause (iii) violated the laws of the United States or occurred in the United States (including in Indian country and military installations) or the territories and possessions of the United States;

(iii) the criminal activity referred to in this clause is that involving one or more of the following or any similar activity in violation of Federal, State, or local criminal law: rape; torture; trafficking; incest; domestic violence; sexual assault; abusive sexual contact; prostitution; sexual exploitation; female genital mutilation; being held hostage; peonage; involuntary servitude; slave trade; kidnapping; abduction; unlawful criminal restraint; false imprisonment; blackmail; extortion; manslaughter; murder; felonious assault; witness tampering; obstruction of justice; perjury; or attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation to commit any of the above mentioned crimes; or


(1) PETITIONING PROCEDURES FOR SECTION 101(a)(15)(U) VISAS- The petition filed by an alien under section 101(a)(15)(U)(i) shall contain a certification from a Federal, State, or local law enforcement official, prosecutor, judge, or other Federal, State, or local authority investigating criminal activity described in section 101(a)(15)(U)(iii) . This certification may also be provided by an official of the Service whose ability to provide such certification is not limited to information concerning immigration violations. This certification shall state that the alien “has been helpful, is being helpful, or is likely to be helpful“ in the investigation or prosecution of criminal activity described in section 101(a)(15)(U)(iii) .


1. 按照101(a)(15)(U)(iii), 这条法律要求的“罪” 的定义是违反联邦, 州或当地刑法的犯罪,列举第一个罪就是强奸。(“the criminal activity referred to in this clause is that involving one or more of the following or any similar activity in violation of Federal, State, or local criminal law: rape; ...“)

2. 按照101(a)(15)(U)(i) (I) - (IV) 要求, 这个外国人必须证明以下要求:

(I) 由法律定义的罪行导致这个外国人受到了巨大的身体或精神上的虐待;

(II) 这个外国人(16岁以下以其父母或其他监护人)拥有法律定义的犯罪活动的信息;

(III) 这个外国人 (16岁以下以其父母或其他监护人)过去曾经,现在正,或有可能将来会对联邦,州或地方执法部门等针对调查或起诉法律定义的犯罪活动有帮助的信息。

3. 按照214条 p 小条 (§ 214(p)), 要获得U 签证, 犯罪受害者在申请签证时必须递交联邦,州,或地方执法部门主管人,检察官,法官,或其他联邦,州,或地方调查犯罪活动的部门提供的一个认可书, 任何101(a)(15)(U)(iii) 中认可的犯罪。(“The petition filed by an alien under section 101(a)(15)(U)(i) shall contain a certification from a Federal, State, or local law enforcement official, prosecutor, judge, or other Federal, State, or local authority investigating criminal activity described in section 101(a)(15)(U)(iii) .“)

从纯粹的法律解析和运用的角度, 有如下看法:

第一,为满足移民要求的这个“罪“ 的移民里立法目的特出的要求,要有一定的美国利益擒拿重大凶犯维护社会治安的大众意义。

第二, 一个外国人利用U 申请移民,先要证明“罪,” 然后证明 “身体或精神的巨大虐待,“ 然后要有对执法部门调查或检察官起诉犯罪有帮助的信息。

第三,关键的问题,就算报案成功,桑兰并不一定得到U 签证,因为她必须要得到联邦,州或地方执法部门的认可证书。


第一,桑兰是怎样知道的这个U 签证?

第二,为什么一个联邦,州,地方执法部门会轻易对13年前的犯罪有兴趣, 何况说这个被指控的 “犯罪者” 已经脱离美国国籍,不再接受联邦或州的管辖?

第三, 桑兰的 “现在正,或有可能将来会对联邦,州或地方执法部门等针对调查或起诉法律定义的犯罪活动有帮助的信息” 是提供给执法部门一个13年前发生过的事情,被指控的“凶犯” 现不纽约,对这样的“犯罪活动“进行调查和起诉, 美国的国家和大众利益在那里?

推理和结论如下:这里的罪是13年以前所说的那么多事,就算路平所得都是事实,一个正常人很难想到这构成强奸,尤其是路平的证词中也没有明确指控说那次性活动桑兰是否有没有同意(consent)。如果没有律师见解的话,任何正常人都不会想到还可以报案,还可以拿U 签证移民。 同样,任何一个有能力有责任心的律师都能分析判断,一个联邦,州或地方执法部门不会对这个案件感兴趣,在这些是事实上几乎完全没有可能会报案成功或者U 签证移民。关键的是,桑兰没有在报案中明确指控移民法U签证要求的“身体或精神的巨大虐待。” 同时, 移民法上这个“强奸罪” 没有要求一定是纽约刑法一级强奸,所以桑兰在纽约报案指控一级强奸有和U签证有不相关的其他法律运用的目的。(比如以前讲过的复活纽约南区民事诉讼的诉讼期和对被告施加刑事法律责任压力。)因此,桑兰报案缺少U签证明确要求的因素之一(身体或精神的巨大虐待),同时报案一级强奸罪也不是U 签证一定要求的因素。

桑兰律师如果有建议桑兰去报案,轻则民事失职 (律师建议失误和由此产生的按照纽约司法 (Judiciary Law) 刘谢薛直接寻求律师责任的权力),重则刑事犯罪 。 如果没有建议桑兰去报案,也是律师见解失误,因为他没有提供有力的建议,做到阻止桑兰去报案,已避免报案不成功后的损失和后果。从5月24日的电邮中能看到该律师要急迫报案, 完全没有任何有劝阻桑兰不去报案的事实。无论如何,该律师和桑兰报案以及报案和U 签证关系的运作两个问题上有无法推卸的法律责任。

艾艾 2011-9-24 10:48
To: lawandorder 你曾经说:
My apologies for the confusion. I will revise it a little and then paste it here for re-posting. Check here whenever and however you like. Life is more than this.
Sounds great plan. Look forward to the updated version. :) Also, don‘t be surprised if you get both 鲜花 & 砖头 again. :))

You are so right that life is more than this! That‘s absolutely true. And life is precious as well.
lawandorder 2011-9-24 09:59
To: 艾艾 你曾经说:
Dear LAO,

It was the system breakdown that made the post disappear... Would you mind posting it again? Thanks a lot.
Too bad that all the comments are gone. The discussion is so good!

美国中文网主编说: 2011-09-23 08:08:28


My apologies for the confusion. I will revise it a little and then paste it here for re-posting. Check here whenever and however you like. Life is more than this.
艾艾 2011-9-24 05:58
To: lawandorder 你曾经说:
Aiai: I apologize for the disturbance occurred last night here, but for the most part it was serious debate on legitimate issues. It‘s ok, just leave the new post private for now. Thank you.
Dear LAO,

It was the system breakdown that made the post disappear... Would you mind posting it again? Thanks a lot.
Too bad that all the comments are gone. The discussion is so good!

美国中文网主编说: 2011-09-23 08:08:28


艾艾 2011-9-24 05:53
To: lawandorder 你曾经说:
Aiai: I apologize for the disturbance occurred last night here, but for the most part it was serious debate on legitimate issues. It‘s ok, just leave the new post private for now. Thank you.
Dear LAO,
I didn‘t make the post private. It seems that it was deleted by sinovision. Not sure why. I will make a complaint. Will see what happens. Hopefully they‘ll restore it.
lawandorder 2011-9-23 15:35
Aiai: I apologize for the disturbance occurred last night here, but for the most part it was serious debate on legitimate issues. It‘s ok, just leave the new post private for now. Thank you.
lawandorder 2011-9-21 13:38
To: 艾艾 你曾经说:
Dear LAO,
Thank you for sharing the info. Here‘s someone‘s comment about Justice Thomas: Thomas, a complete waste of space. hasn’t said a word in oral arguments and proud of it. bringing nothing to the table but mass. :)) Very interesting.
Look forward to your new post.
Take care, and talk to you soon!

Aiai: The new post is ready to go. Please let me know if you are to check here @ 7 this evening. I will check again at that time.
艾艾 2011-9-21 05:59
To: lawandorder 你曾经说:
Dear AA: Nice to see you are connected. Very good intro to these justices. My personal opinion, Justice Thomas was and still is a controversial figure on the high court, and my favorites now are Justice Alito (former judge of the Third Circuit) and Justice Scalia. BTW, I should have a new post ready by tomorrow (hopefully in the morning). Talk to you soon.
Dear LAO,
Thank you for sharing the info. Here‘s someone‘s comment about Justice Thomas: Thomas, a complete waste of space. hasn’t said a word in oral arguments and proud of it. bringing nothing to the table but mass. :)) Very interesting.
Look forward to your new post.
Take care, and talk to you soon!
lawandorder 2011-9-19 23:44
To: 艾艾 你曾经说:
Thanks LAO! And a bit intro that I found:

Justice Sotomayor’s breadth and depth of legal and judicial experience makes her the most qualified member of the Court by far. She has prosecuted and defended, she has litigated on plaintiff’s and defendant’s side, she has practiced criminal law and corporate law, and she was a distinguished U.S. district judge and a distinguished membe

Dear AA: Nice to see you are connected. Very good intro to these justices. My personal opinion, Justice Thomas was and still is a controversial figure on the high court, and my favorites now are Justice Alito (former judge of the Third Circuit) and Justice Scalia. BTW, I should have a new post ready by tomorrow (hopefully in the morning). Talk to you soon.
艾艾 2011-9-19 21:53
To: lawandorder 你曾经说:
Dear AA: Please note new bolgger photo - nine current sitting Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. LAO
Thanks LAO! And a bit intro that I found:

Justice Sotomayor’s breadth and depth of legal and judicial experience makes her the most qualified member of the Court by far. She has prosecuted and defended, she has litigated on plaintiff’s and defendant’s side, she has practiced criminal law and corporate law, and she was a distinguished U.S. district judge and a distinguished member of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, one of the toughest courts in the world in offering tests to the knowledge and experience of its members. And the entire membership of that court rallied around the Sotomayor nomination, including such judicial conservatives as Roger Miner.

All the other Justices now on the Court have had prior judicial experience on the federal appellate bench — again, no place for people who are not qualified to be judges.

Justices Breyer, Ginsburg, and Scalia also had extensive teaching experience at the nation’s leading law schools — Harvard for Breyer, Columbia for Ginsburg, and the University of Chicago for Scalia.

Justice Breyer also was counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee, where he earned the respect not just of his mentor, the late Edward Kennedy, but of Orrin Hatch of Utah, of impeccable right-wing credentials.

Justice Stevens was an experienced practitioner in the Chicago legal world before he became a judge.

And Chief Justice Roberts was long admired as one of the best and shrewdest practitioners before the U.S. Supreme Court.

I appreciate the fact that Clarence Thomas adds diversity to the Court, the perspective of an African-American man. Clarence Thomas is part of the mosaic of America. Since the Justices are positioned on the basis of seniority, with the Chief Justice in the middle, I appreciate the fact that Justice Thomas, as a more senior Justice, is entitled to his seat, which he has earned.
lawandorder 2011-9-16 22:00
Dear AA: Please note new bolgger photo - nine current sitting Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. LAO
tobuto 2011-9-16 01:02
艾艾 2011-9-14 22:36
To: lawandorder 你曾经说:
艾艾:知道你在准备回国。祝你旅途愉快。 请把《以身试法》文章变为私有吧,有必要时在公开。 mgzww999 网友的问题我已经copy, 将转到你的新文章里讨论。多谢。Talk to you soon. Law and Order

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