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  • 真实姓名艾艾
  • 性别保密
  • 生日1978 年 7 月 7 日




lawandorder: 桑兰律师报案和U签证运作法律责任难以逃脱 2011-09-25
lawandorder: 桑兰律师报案和U签证运作法律责任难以逃脱 (Saturday, September 24, 2011 重发,略有修改。 Thursday, September 22, 2011. 本 ...
看戏党总部:年度最佳演员颁奖 2011-09-19
大海航行靠舵手,看戏党眼福靠演员。鉴于看戏党优秀演员海明和桑兰本年来的优异表演,看戏党总部决定破例提前颁发年度最佳演员奖,以资鼓励,望海明和桑兰(及 ...
mgzww999关于律师费及其他问题讨论专贴 2011-09-14
讨论专贴,mgzww999原帖如下: 关于律师费问题,我也有些疑问。律师费仲裁是否只是仲裁律师费的收费标准,而不是客户拖欠律师费问题。如果是这样的话, ...
报告各位筒子:俺明天回国啦! 2011-09-14
回长沙,hoho。第一件事要去吃臭豆腐,哈哈。另外在长沙的筒子们,可以联系我一起腐败哦! 回国我还能上中文网,会继续关注反敲诈事业,也请各位看戏党优秀党 ...




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pollyzixin 2012-1-24 13:28
tobuto 2011-9-29 22:04
lawandorder 2011-9-28 23:29
威联先生:多谢您的留言和支持。很遗憾我不能和你联系,我也不能提供任何法律见解。请谅解。 博主:请把威联的留言清理一下吧。
威聯 2011-9-26 16:12
威聯 2011-9-26 16:08
To: 艾艾 你曾经说: 很抱歉,LAO先生不提供法律建议。建议您向周围的亲朋打听打听可靠的律师。 感謝艾艾回信!我見Lao先生依法說話,所以想求教法律知識,不強求提供建議。具體地說---甲惡意起訴乙欺詐,甲的律師引導法官繞開誰欺詐誰問的題而直接進入divorce程序---從法律上講,該律師做法是否屬於誤導?法庭可以判決divorce而讓乙永蒙欺詐之冤嗎?我遇到過律師懂得坑人不講法律。 ... ...
艾艾 2011-9-26 10:04
To: 威聯 你曾经说:
威聯 2011-9-26 01:13
lawandorder 2011-9-24 11:18
To: 艾艾 你曾经说: Sounds great plan. Look forward to the updated version. :) Also, don‘t be surprised if you get both 鲜花 & 砖头 again. :)) You are so right that life is more than this! That‘s absolutely true. And life is precious as well. Thank you, AA. Bring it on. Please edit and re-post: --- lawandorder: 桑兰律师报案和U签证运作法律责任难以逃脱 (Saturday, September 24, 2011 重发,略有修改。 Thursday, September 22, 2011. 本文以及以前发表的法律文章只代表 lawandord ... ...
艾艾 2011-9-24 10:48
To: lawandorder 你曾经说:
My apologies for the confusion. I will revise it a little and then paste it here for re-posting. Check here whenever and however you like. Life is more than this.
Sounds great plan. Look forward to the updated version. :) Also, don‘t be surprised if you get both 鲜花 & 砖头 again. :))

You are so right that life is more than this! That‘s absolutely true. And life is precious as well.
lawandorder 2011-9-24 09:59
To: 艾艾 你曾经说: Dear LAO, It was the system breakdown that made the post disappear... Would you mind posting it again? Thanks a lot. Too bad that all the comments are gone. The discussion is so good! 美国中文网主编说: 2011-09-23 08:08:28 尊敬的美国中文网用户: 本网因服务器故障导致部分数据丢失,丢失时段为美东时间9月22日凌晨4点至9月23日凌晨2点 My apologies for the confusion. I will revise it a little and then paste it here for re-posting. Check here whenever an ... ...
艾艾 2011-9-24 05:58
To: lawandorder 你曾经说: Aiai: I apologize for the disturbance occurred last night here, but for the most part it was serious debate on legitimate issues. It‘s ok, just leave the new post private for now. Thank you. Dear LAO, It was the system breakdown that made the post disappear... Would you mind posting it again? Thanks a lot. Too bad that all the comments are gone. The discussion is so good! 美国中文网主编说: 2011-09-23 08:08:28 尊敬的美国中文网用户: 本 ... ...
艾艾 2011-9-24 05:53
To: lawandorder 你曾经说:
Aiai: I apologize for the disturbance occurred last night here, but for the most part it was serious debate on legitimate issues. It‘s ok, just leave the new post private for now. Thank you.
Dear LAO,
I didn‘t make the post private. It seems that it was deleted by sinovision. Not sure why. I will make a complaint. Will see what happens. Hopefully they‘ll restore it.
lawandorder 2011-9-23 15:35
Aiai: I apologize for the disturbance occurred last night here, but for the most part it was serious debate on legitimate issues. It‘s ok, just leave the new post private for now. Thank you.
lawandorder 2011-9-21 13:38
To: 艾艾 你曾经说: Dear LAO, Thank you for sharing the info. Here‘s someone‘s comment about Justice Thomas: Thomas, a complete waste of space. hasn’t said a word in oral arguments and proud of it. bringing nothing to the table but mass. :)) Very interesting. Look forward to your new post. Take care, and talk to you soon! Aiai Aiai: The new post is ready to go. Please let me know if you are to check here @ 7 this evening. I will check again at that time. ...
艾艾 2011-9-21 05:59
To: lawandorder 你曾经说: Dear AA: Nice to see you are connected. Very good intro to these justices. My personal opinion, Justice Thomas was and still is a controversial figure on the high court, and my favorites now are Justice Alito (former judge of the Third Circuit) and Justice Scalia. BTW, I should have a new post ready by tomorrow (hopefully in the morning). Talk to you soon. Dear LAO, Thank you for sharing the info. Here‘s someone‘s comment about Justice Thomas: Thomas, a c ... ...
lawandorder 2011-9-19 23:44
To: 艾艾 你曾经说: Thanks LAO! And a bit intro that I found: Justice Sotomayor’s breadth and depth of legal and judicial experience makes her the most qualified member of the Court by far. She has prosecuted and defended, she has litigated on plaintiff’s and defendant’s side, she has practiced criminal law and corporate law, and she was a distinguished U.S. district judge and a distinguished membe Dear AA: Nice to see you are connected. Very good intro to these justices. My perso ... ...

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