因网站改版更新,从9月1日零时起美国中文网将不再保留博客栏目,请各位博主自行做好备份,由此带来的不便我们深感歉意,同时欢迎 广大网友入驻新平台!
桑兰现在还可以撤诉,按照《联邦民事诉讼程序条例》第41条(Rule 41)(见http://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcp/Rule41.htm),说如果被告还没有回答诉状,或者该案还没有启动书面判决,原告有权利单方面撤诉。
撤诉后,所有动议除Rule 11 动议外都因不需再判(moot)而清理掉, 但是这个Rule 11 动议即使原告撤诉,法院照样有权判。
但是因为诉讼撤销后Rule 11 打的诉状时是现存的第二修改状,桑兰应该和被告谈判,达到被告同意撤销Rule 11 动议和原告撤销该诉讼的共识。从各种法律分析上看,如果原告有此谈判意图,被告应该同意撤销Rule 11 动议,结束该诉讼。
另,lawandorder先生以前在艾艾代发的文章中有过评论,Rule 11 在1993 做了重大修订,其中之一重大修改是澄清了Rule 11的目的:是警示制止性 ("what suffices to deter") 而不是赔偿性(not to compensate). (见Rule 11(c)(4) "Nature of a Sanction. A sanction imposed under this rule must be limited to what suffices to deter repetition of the conduct or comparable conduct by others similarly situated. The sanction may include nonmonetary directives; an order to pay a penalty into court; or, if imposed on motion and warranted for effective deterrence, an order directing payment to the movant of part or all of the reasonable attorney's fees and other expenses directly resulting from the violation.") (http://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcp/Rule11.htm)
尽管1993年修改后的Rule 11(c) 最后有这个“part or all of the reasonable attorney's fees and other expenses directly resulting from the violation," 1993年以后的案例很少有判律师费, 就是有也只是限制在“和违反Rule 11 直接相关的律师费和费用。”
To: lawandorder 你曾经说:已经修改啦!谢谢您!:))
艾艾: “因为联邦诉讼程序里有一条规则” 请改为 “按照《联邦民事诉讼程序条例》第41条(Rule 41)(见http://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcp/Rule41.htm)。“ “法院照样有权判”后加以下:“但是因为诉讼撤销后Rule 11 打的诉状时是现存的第二修改状,桑兰应该和被告谈判,达到被告同意撤销Rule 11 动议和原告撤销该诉讼的共识。从各种法律分析上看,如果原告有此谈判意图,被告应该同意撤销Rule 11 动议,结束该诉讼。”
To: 毛茂 你曾经说:在我来看,被告避免了法官强行判决存在的批准第三修改状的危险 (不管多少), 解决了这个案件,是最大的利。
To: tobuto 你曾经说:我以前在艾艾待发的文章中有过评论,Rule 11 在1993 做了重大修订,其中之一重大修改是澄清了Rule 11的目的:是警示制止性 (“what suffices to deter“) 而不是赔偿性(not to compensate). (见Rule 11(c)(4) “Nature of a Sanction. A sanction imposed under this rule must be limited to what suffices to deter repetition of the conduct or comparable conduct by others similarly situated. The sanction may include nonmonetary directives; an order to pay a penalty into court; or, if imposed on motion and warranted for effective deterrence, an order directing payment to the movant of part or all of the reasonable attorney‘s fees and other expenses directly resulting from the violation.“) (http://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frcp/Rule11.htm) 尽管1993年修改后的Rule 11(c) 最后有这个“part or all of the reasonable attorney‘s fees and other expenses directly resulting from the violation,“ 1993年以后的案例很少有判律师费, 就是有也只是限制在“和违反Rule 11 直接相关的律师费和费用。”
To: 红男绿女 你曾经说:如果他们这样做,刘谢应该同意终止Rule 11. 利大于弊。
To: 毛茂 你曾经说:桑选择第3对她最有利:1;不付海的律师费,经济上没有任何损失。2;即回大陆,用大陆媒体帮她打官司、解脱刑事、民事不予立案的困境。3;海明不可能到大陆起诉或申辩,桑可借刘谢莫用她对大陆媒体的爆料,让美国法院加重惩罚海明。鹿死谁手就看桑还是海谁先出手,谁先揭露黑幕谁就是赢家。