因网站改版更新,从9月1日零时起美国中文网将不再保留博客栏目,请各位博主自行做好备份,由此带来的不便我们深感歉意,同时欢迎 广大网友入驻新平台!
(Sunday, August 07, 2011. 本人在此之前从没听说过周立波这个名字。本文由艾艾博主发出。本文以及以前发表的法律文章只代表lawandorder 的个人观点,不构成也不能理解为是法律见解。)
无论他多么出名,无论原告如何想滥用纽约法律及程序,原告无权分配周立波John Does 1-15 “船票”名额。真正原因就一个,那就是周立波是有名有姓,原告必须直接按真名起诉,无权使用纽约州针对不知姓名被告起诉的条款。 ( CPLR § 1024. “Unknown parties. A party who is ignorant, in whole or in part, of the name or identity of a person who may properly be made a party, may proceed against such person as an unknown party by designating so such of his name and identity as is known. If the name or remainder of the name becomes known all subsequent proceedings shall be taken under the true name and all prior proceedings shall be deemed amended accordingly.")
另,针对网友他乡风云提出的"supplemental jurisdiction"的问题,Lawandorder先生解答如下:
Before a federal court exercise its "supplemental jurisdiction" over a party, the court must first have "original jurisdiction." (See 28 U.S.C. § 1367. Supplemental jurisdiction.) The only basis for the court's original jurisdiction over Zhou Li Bo if he is added as a party in this action is diversity under 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Because there is no diversity, the court does not have original jurisdiction and the issue of "supplemental jurisdiction" is irrelevant.
To: lawandorder 你曾经说:已经修改了。再次谢谢您!Good night!
多谢各位鼓励。 从来都没有想到在这种边缘法律问题上花费时间。 多谢艾艾。 括弧内时间后请加上“本文以及以前发表的法律文章只代表lawandorder 的个人观点,不构成也不能理解为是法律见解。” 第一段,“无论原告如何想如何 ...“ 去掉第二个“如何”; “原告必须直接被列为被告起诉“ 修改为 “原告必须直接按真名起诉。”第三段, “所以如果周便为被告”改错别字“变。”Good night.
To: mgzww999 你曾经说:以前我就这么提过, 向纽约的BAR投诉。