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一.  我们不应该把功夫下在美国英文媒体上,而应该是中文媒体,尤其是国内的媒体。(一,发在英文媒体上,让美国人看咱们内斗的笑话,感觉不好;二,国内大多数人,都受了海明的忽悠的影响,认为桑兰现在做的是正义的维权。尤其被告方一直拒绝与国内媒体接触,国内群众都受了蒙蔽。我们应该让国内的人知道真相。新闻会上说,桑兰是小学课本上的典范?我不知道真假,但感觉很痛心,咱们不能让下一代都被蒙蔽下去了呀!三,所以,我们应该让国内的主流媒体,就美国体操协会发表的声明,以及在英文媒体上的说法采访桑兰等。比如,”美国人民给了桑兰第二次生命“,”她爱美国,爱美国对她做的一切“,在中国只有$230的生活费,等等。让国内的人们看看这是什么样的一副嘴脸!)

二。 这个公开信重点要集中,国内的事情、桑兰的生活等可以不谈,不然没有重点,篇幅也会太长。可以分以下几部分:
1. 简单介绍案件本身的来龙去脉。首先是她如何受伤,伤后各方包括她本人对事件性质的认同。
2. 然后是十几年以后,她在没有任何证据的情况下突然起诉,起诉额最高达21亿美元。但是起诉后迟迟不送传票,最后又戏剧性的撤消几乎全部起诉。
3. 指明桑兰的目的是敲诈,海明的目的是炒作并戏弄美国法律(大撒网)。
4. 桑兰和海明造谣说美国体操协会通过调查改变了以前的事故结论。
5. 这个是重点。海明在给美联社提供的信息中,关于保险公司秘密协议书制造的混乱和直接散步谣言。这里需要保险公司给询问网友的回应。








发表评论 评论 (277 个评论)

回复 2012不寻常 2011-7-13 09:17
回复 女猫晒晒 2011-7-13 09:12
To: 落山鸡 你曾经说:
回复 中国大鼻子 2011-7-13 09:08
回复 女猫晒晒 2011-7-13 09:07
回复 lovebirds 2011-7-13 09:05
回复 大戏如梦 2011-7-13 08:10
To: 抛砖引玉 你曾经说:
I am writing to you regarding to the article of “Lawyer: Deal reached to care for paralyzed gymnast” by Larry Neumeister.

I am very surprised to see such an irresponsible and, in many aspects, very misleading article being published by your organization, a highly respected press agency.

As you might have known that Ms Lan Sang, Chinese gymnast,

回复 不屈仙人 2011-7-13 08:10
To: maomao1 你曾经说:
回复 大戏如梦 2011-7-13 08:08
To: 不屈仙人 你曾经说:
回复 maomao1 2011-7-13 08:06
回复 不屈仙人 2011-7-13 07:56
To: 抛砖引玉 你曾经说:
I am writing to you regarding to the article of “Lawyer: Deal reached to care for paralyzed gymnast” by Larry Neumeister.

I am very surprised to see such an irresponsible and, in many aspects, very misleading article being published by your organization, a highly respected press agency.

As you might have known that Ms Lan Sang, Chinese gymnast,

回复 胡了 2011-7-13 07:45
回复 抛砖引玉 2011-7-13 07:42
I am writing to you regarding to the article of “Lawyer: Deal reached to care for paralyzed gymnast” by Larry Neumeister.

I am very surprised to see such an irresponsible and, in many aspects, very misleading article being published by your organization, a highly respected press agency.

As you might have known that Ms Lan Sang, Chinese gymnast, was paralyzed in an accident at the 1998 Good Will Games. She attracted the whole world’s attention, and obtained the sympathies and helps from both of Chinese and American after the accident. Her health insurance companies immediately started her insurance policy to cover her health care cost even before the investigation was done, which insured her to get the best care in the US. Because of courageous smile after the accident, she became a very popular public figure and has been enjoyed a celebrity status since then within China and the US.

Right after the accident, the related organizations conducted an investigation and concluded that the event is just a simple accident, and nobody was alleged for any wrongdoing, which was also agreed by all parties including Ms Sang herself. Ms in during the twelve years after the accident, Sang (Sang is her family name, which was always confused by her lawyer even in the high profile law suit filings) had never questioned about the nature of the event was a simple accident, publicly and privately. But early this year, Ms Sang, represented by lawyer Ming Hai with free service, started a law suit against USA Gymnastic and three insurance companies. In the law suit Ms Sang make a claim against USA Gymnastic, her insurance companies along with other defendants, among them laughably including 30 internet ID’s, for a total compensation of 2.1 billions (not a misspelling) US dollars! Ms Sang, reversed her position in the past 12 years and without any new evidences, claimed that the USA Gymnastic is responsible for the accident, and the insurance companies has discriminated against on her for healthcare coverage outside the US because of her Chinese nationality. Later on, Mir Ming Hai, Sang’s lawyer, withdrew all the claims against the defendants that are related with the Good Will Games, but leave only the Chinese defendants and the internet IDs.

The insurance companies mentioned in Neumeister’s article are the last defendants withdrawn from the law suit and they are the only no-Chinese defendants who have ever received a court notice. I am not sure about the nature and the details of the so called confidential agreements signed between the insurance companies and Ms Sang, and I do not know how much the amount of the monitory arrangement in the agreement. But I can tell you that Mir Neumeister’s article is at best very misleading in this aspect.

In the first paragraph, Mir Neumeister wrote “A champion Chinese gymnast who was paralyzed in an accident at the 1998 Goodwill Games has reached a deal with insurance companies and USA Gymnastics to provide her with medical care and rehabilitation in China, along with financial help, her lawyer said Tuesday.” And later on he continued with “The lawyer, Ming Hai, said he could not divulge details of the deal. Still, he said it will provide up to $10 million in cash and health care over the lifetime of the 30-year-old Sang Lan.” and ” The settlement will provide money to cover Lan‘s health care in China. Previously, her health care was paid for only in the United States”. It seems that, for most of the readers, the insurances agreement was just reached now through Mir Hai’s effort. But it is far from the true. The reality is that the agreement has been reached 13 years ago (please refer to https://www.sinovision.net/blog/index.php?act=details&id=85486&bcode=ksliu) including the details of the coverage of healthcare cost in China.

As a professional journalist, Mir Neumeister should conduct his own research on the issues in his article especially for such a complicate issue, which is also related with a billions dollars on going law suit. But unfortunately Mir Neumeister depends only on the one side story provided by Ms Sang’s lawyer. The issue is complicated though, but the research is simple. Actually, someone on the internet already contacted with TIG, one of the three insurance companies, and their answers are summarized below:

1. It was a quick negotiation and both parties reached a confidential agreement. They also hope Lan Sang and Ming Hai honor their promise to keep the confidential.
2. There is nothing the insurance company should apologize for, since they did nothing wrong and deny all the allegations.
3. They have been paying for Sang’s medical expense claims in the past 13 years.
4. There is no revision on the insurance policy.
5. They cannot release any details of the agreement. But if Sang translates the agreement to big dollar amount, that‘s not the case.
6. They cannot release any details of the confidential agreement.

I am not saying that the information above is correct, and I don’t know if the information is correct at all. What I’m trying to tell Mir Neumeister is that the truth is just one phone call away. Mir Neumeister’s article does not only mislead the public, but also damaged your organization’s reputation and credibility when the truth comes out.

It’s worth to mention that this is not the first time for Mir Hai to use this kind of outrages law suit to gain his own popularity. Three years ago he, self claimed, represented 1.3 billion Chinese to sue CNN for their discriminations against Chinese people with a total claim of 1.3 billions us dollars. That law suit was withdrawn even without an apology from CNN, but he claimed victory anyway. And more interestingly, later on people found out in the court files that the law suit was filed with a single person instead of in the names of all Chinese people, and the claim was only 999999 dollars.

Although I’m very unhappy with the article, but still very appreciated for your organization’s following on this issue.
回复 抛砖引玉 2011-7-13 07:32
I am writing to you regarding to the article of “Lawyer: Deal reached to care for paralyzed gymnast” by Larry Neumeister.

I am very surprised to see such an irresponsible and, in many aspects, very misleading article being published by your organization, a highly respected press agency.

As you might have known that Ms Lan Sang, Chinese gymnast, was paralyzed in an accident at the 1998 Good Will Games. She attracted the whole world’s attention, and obtained the sympathies and helps from both of Chinese and American after the accident. Her health insurance companies immediately started her insurance policy to cover her health care cost even before the investigation was done, which insured her to get the best care in the US. Because of courageous smile after the accident, she became a very popular public figure and has been enjoyed a celebrity status since then within China and the US.

Right after the accident, the related organizations conducted an investigation and concluded that the event is just a simple accident, and nobody was alleged for any wrongdoing, which was also agreed by all parties including Ms Sang herself. Ms in During the twelve years after the accident, Sang (Sang is her family name, which was always confused by her lawyer even in the high profile law suit filings) had never questioned about the nature of the event was a simple accident, publicly and privately. But early this year, Ms Sang, represented by lawyer Ming Hai with free service, started a law suit against USA Gymnastic and three insurance companies. In the law suit Ms Sang make a claim against USA Gymnastic, her insurance companies along with other defendants, among them laughably including 30 internet ID’s, for a total compensation of 2.1 billions (not a misspelling) US dollars! Ms Sang, reversed her position in the past 12 years and without any new evidences, claimed that the USA Gymnastic is responsible for the accident, and the insurance companies has discriminated against on her for healthcare coverage outside the US because of her Chinese nationality. Later on, Mir Ming Hai, Sang’s lawyer, withdrew all the claims against the defendants that are related with the Good Will Games, but leave only the Chinese defendants and the internet IDs.

The insurance companies mentioned in Neumeister’s article are the last defendants withdrawn from the law suit and they are the only no-Chinese defendants who has ever received a court notice. I am not sure about the nature and the details of the so called confidential agreements signed between the insurance companies and Ms Sang, and I do not know how much the amount of the monitory arrangement in the agreement. But I can tell you that Mir Neumeister’s article is at best very misleading in this aspect.

In the first paragraph, Mir Neumeister wrote “A champion Chinese gymnast who was paralyzed in an accident at the 1998 Goodwill Games has reached a deal with insurance companies and USA Gymnastics to provide her with medical care and rehabilitation in China, along with financial help, her lawyer said Tuesday.” And later on he continued with “The lawyer, Ming Hai, said he could not divulge details of the deal. Still, he said it will provide up to $10 million in cash and health care over the lifetime of the 30-year-old Sang Lan.” and ” The settlement will provide money to cover Lan‘s health care in China. Previously, her health care was paid for only in the United States”. It seems that, for most of the readers, the insurances agreement was just reached now through Mir Hai’s effort. But it is far from the true. The reality is that the agreement has been reached 13 years ago (please refer to https://www.sinovision.net/blog/index.php?act=details&id=85486&bcode=ksliu) including the details of the coverage of healthcare cost in China.

As a professional journalist, Mir Neumeister should conduct his own research on the issues in his article especially for such a complicate issue, which is also related with a billions dollars on going law suit. But unfortunately Mir Neumeister depends only on the one side story provided by Ms Sang’s lawyer. The issue is complicated though, but the research is simple. Actually, someone on the internet already contacted with TIG, one of the three insurance companies, and their answers are summarized below:

1. It was a quick negotiation and both parties reached a confidential agreement. They also hope Lan Sang and Ming Hai honor their promise to keep the confidential.
2. There is nothing the insurance company should apologize for, since they did nothing wrong and deny all the allegations.
3. They have been paying for Sang’s medical expense claims in the past 13 years.
4. There is no revision on the insurance policy.
5. They cannot release any details of the agreement. But if Sang translates the agreement to big dollar amount, that‘s not the case.
6. They cannot release any details of the confidential agreement.

I am not saying that the information above is correct, and I don’t know if the information is correct at all. What I’m trying to tell Mir Neumeister is that the true is just one phone call away. Mir Neumeister’s article does not only mislead the public, but also damaged your organization’s reputation and credibility when the true come out.

It’s worth to mention that this is not the first time for Mir Hai to use this kind of outrages law suit to gain his own popularity. Three years ago he, self claimed, represented 1.3 billion Chinese to sue CNN for their discriminations against Chinese people with a total claim of 1.3 billions us dollars. That law suit was withdrawn even without an apology from CNN. And more interestingly, later on people found out in the court files that the law suit was filed with a single person instead of in the names of all Chinese people, and the claim was only 999999 dollars.

Although I’m very unhappy with the article, but still very appreciated for your organization’s following on this issue.
回复 不屈仙人 2011-7-13 07:23
To: 看你怎么演到最后 你曾经说:

回复 loveparadise 2011-7-13 06:47
最后一部分来自于博主,You are my hero,thank you very much!
回复 抛砖引玉 2011-7-13 06:45
I am writing to you regarding to the article of “Lawyer: Deal reached to care for paralyzed gymnast” by Larry Neumeister.

I am very surprised to see such an irresponsible and, in many aspects, very misleading article being published by such a highly respected press agency.

As you might have known that Ms Lan Sang, Chinese gymnast, was paralyzed in an accident at the 1998 Good Will Games. She attracted the whole world’s attention and obtained the sympathies and helps from both of Chinese and American. Her health insurance company immediately started her insurance policy to cover her health care cost, which insured her to get the best care in America. She became a very popular public figure and has been enjoyed a celebrity status since then both in China and in the US.

Right after the accident occurred, the related organizations conducted an investigation and concluded that the event is just a simple accident, and nobody is alleged for any wrongdoing, which was agreed by all parties including Ms Sang herself. Ms Sang (Sang is her family name, which was always confused by her layer even in the law suit files) has never questioned about the nature of her accident is a simple accident, publicly and privately, in the twelve years after the accident. But early this year Ms Sang started file a law suit against USA Gymnastic and her insurance companies. In the law suit she claims that USA Gymnastic, her insurance companies along with other defendants, among them, laughably including 30 internet ID’s, for a total claim of 2.1 billions (not a misspelling) US dollars! In the law suit Sang, reversed her position in last 12 years and without any new evidences, claimed that is responsible for the accident or cured 13 years ago, and the insurance company has discriminated against for her healthcare coverage outside the US because her Chinese nationality. Later on, Mir Ming Hai, Sang’s lawyer, withdrew all the claims against with the defendants that are related with the Good Will Games, but only leave the Chinese defendants and the internet IDs.

The insurance companies are the last defendants withdrawn from the law suit and the only no-Chinese defendants who has ever received a court notice. I am not sure about the nature and the details of the so called confidential agreements and the amount of related with the agreement, but I can tell you that Mir Neumeister’s article is at best very misleading.

In the first paragraph, Mir Neumeister wrote “A champion Chinese gymnast who was paralyzed in an accident at the 1998 Goodwill Games has reached a deal with insurance companies and USA Gymnastics to provide her with medical care and rehabilitation in China, along with financial help, her lawyer said Tuesday.” And later on he wrote in more details “The lawyer, Ming Hai, said he could not divulge details of the deal. Still, he said it will provide up to $10 million in cash and health care over the lifetime of the 30-year-old Sang Lan.”. ” The settlement will provide money to cover Lan‘s health care in China. Previously, her health care was paid for only in the United States” It seems that, for most of the readers, the insurances agreement was just reached now by Mir Hai’s effort. But it is far from the true. The reality is that the agreement has been reached 13 years ago (please refer to https://www.sinovision.net/blog/index.php?act=details&id=85486&bcode=ksliu) including the details of coverage of the healthcare cost in China.

As a professional journalist, Mir Neumeister should conduct his own research on the issues in his article especially for such complicate issues that are related with a billions dollars law suit. But unfortunately Mir Neumeister depends only on the one side story provided by Sang’s lawyer. The issue is complicated, but the research is simple. Actually, someone already contacted with one of the insurance company TIG, and their answers are summarized below:

1. It was a quick negotiation and both parties reached a confidential agreement. They also hope Lan Sang and Ming Hai honor their promise to keep the confidential.
2. There is nothing the insurance company should apologize for, since they did nothing wrong and deny all the allegations.
3. They have been paying for Sang’s medical expense claims in the past 13 years.
4. There is no revision on the insurance policy.
5. They cannot release any details of the agreement. But if Sang translates the agreement to big dollar amount, that‘s not the case.
6. They cannot release any details of the confidential agreement.

I am not saying that the information is correct, and I don’t know if the information is correct at all. What I’m trying to tell Mir Neumeister is that the true is just one phone call away to find out. These article doses not only mislead the public, but also damaged your organization’s reputation and credibility when the true come out.

This is not the first time for Mir Hai to using this kind of outrages law suit to gain his own popularity. Three years ago he, self claimed, represented 1.3 billion Chinese to sue CNN for discriminations with a total claim of 1.3 billions us dollars. That law suit was not only withdrawn even without an apology from CNN, and later on people found that the law suit is not filed in the name of Chinese people and the claim is only 999999 dollars.

Although I’m very unhappy on the article, but still very appreciate your organization’s interest following this issue.
回复 loveparadise 2011-7-13 06:30
Larry Neumeister‘s recent article - ‘Lawyer: Deal reached to care for paralyzed gymnast‘.
I ′m deep anger after I read above this bullshit article.“he said it will provide up to $10 million in cash and health care over the lifetime of the 30-year-old Sang Lan.
How dare you write this liar and published?In cash?what an absurd!
I will give you a links,please check it before you write your article and you will find what′s the truth is!
Link I:Lawyer Ming Hai`s blog:https://www.sinovision.net/blog/lawyerhaiming/
If you don′t understand chinese ,I′ m sure that you can find a translater but not from Ming Hai and please read all the comments from the blog.
I am a chinese original living in Europe, I don′t understand that how could you wrIte this article before you didn′t interview another side? I can find informations below,WHY YOU CAN NOT?
Leslie King:Here is USA Gymnastics’ statement regarding this matter. USA Gymnastics was never served in the lawsuit and is being dismissed from the suit.
Richard Fabian:603-656-2200 Lawyer of TIG
It was a quick negotiation. We negotiated and reached a confidential agreement with Sang Lan. We hope they honor their promise. It is their decison, and we cannot control that. We will think about what to do with it. There is nothing we should appologize for, since we did nothing wrong. We have been paying for her medical expense claims in the past 13 years We deny all the allegations.There is no revison on the insurance policy.We cannot release any details of the agreement. But if she translates the agreement to big dollar amount, that‘s not the case.We canno release any details of the confidential agreement.
Again SHAME ON YOU Larry Neumeister!
回复 看你怎么演到最后 2011-7-13 06:21
To: West-East 你曾经说:


回复 苏岛橘子 2011-7-13 06:12
回复 Fragolina 2011-7-13 05:53
To: tobuto 你曾经说:
报到。 下面是我刚给美联社发出的评论邮件, 供大家参考。 不常用英文写作,不通顺的地方请多多包涵指正。

Subject:I am provoked to anger by Larry Neumeister‘s recent article

I am provoked to deep anger by Larry Neumeister‘s recent article - ‘Lawyer: Deal reached to care for paralyzed gymnast‘.
How can she spread such a one-di

我觉得指出海明撒谎的事实,例如SL的收入,还有insurance companies的回复,从而说明文章中的偏听偏信,会更好一些。我的英语实在是上不了台面,没法做任何事情。谢谢你!


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