分享 Wallace Daquan English calligraphy(计策大全英文书法),
骄傲的时候 2016-9-5 04:05
Wallace Daquan English calligraphy(计策大全英文书法),
Wallace Daquan English calligraphy(计策大全英文书法),If the plan has completed hundreds of pieces of English Calligraphy (如果几百幅计策英书法完成了),Able to exhibit at the Art Museum(能够在美术馆常年展出),Coupled with the story narrator(配上故事讲解员),That's very interesting.那是很有意思 ,Improve ...
个人分类: 书画|1676 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 用毛笔写英文书法Writing in English with a writing brush
骄傲的时候 2016-9-5 03:46
用毛笔写英文书法Writing in English with a writing brush
个人分类: 书画|1756 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 我在探索英文书法
骄傲的时候 2016-9-5 03:37
个人分类: 书画|1235 次阅读|0 个评论

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