分享 美国笔迹
HarrisonLiving 2017-2-28 11:55
《32套完全自学素描入门教程》 http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA5MjMzMDIyNQ==mid=504772896idx=1sn=ecf8a084a39b486d9f11c72ed57e61d6chksm=0b8c58be3cfbd1a84e18e702075ed888af62e79a6c5ad173b57dc8e0e5ba1a11c23cf8224f21mpshare=1scene=1srcid=0222rhpYmsklzpKZ9VD0D90N#rd 美国东部或西部,差异决定毕 ...
个人分类: Education|1464 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The lost history of New Orleans' two Chinatowns
HarrisonLiving 2017-2-8 21:23
Chinese-Americans who had operated small shops in New Orleans' Chinatown for many decades learned on Aug. 20, 1937 that their small enclave was doomed to make way for a parking lot. Pictured in this 1937 photo, in front of one of the shops on Tulane Avenue between Elk Place and Rampart Street, a ...
个人分类: 排华法案|4399 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Ban,Wall
HarrisonLiving 2017-2-5 13:16
Over-crowded boat hits shore. Indian Chief: Whoa! Who goes there? White Guy: We are just refugees sir. Indian Chief: What are you running from? White Guy: Religious persecution in Europe. Indian Chief: Do you have a valid visa? White Guy: No, ...
个人分类: 时政|1193 次阅读|0 个评论

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