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Amazon Store 1 mall---Loslandifen Brand. Loslandifen Brand symbolizes fashionable, elegant and generous, comfortable, friendly and easy-going, other worldly quality. We have many kinds of shoes such as High Heel,Mid Heels,Low Heel,Flats,Boots,Sandals,Wedges,Wedding and Dance Shoes, Size Chart EU 35=US 5,EU 36=US 6,EU 37=US 6.5,EU 38=US 7.5,EU 39=US 8.5,EU 40=US 9,EU 41=US 9.5,EU 42=US 10 If you want to love the shoes,you can click http://www.amazon.com/s?marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&me=ARTR2PYNQGQGQ&merchant=ARTR2PYNQGQGQ&redirect=true

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