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今又是 2011-4-10 15:41
To: 红酒 你曾经说:

Red, red wine
Go to my head
Make me forget that I
Still need her so

Red, red wine
It‘s up to you
All I can do, I‘ve done
But memories won‘t go
No, memories won‘t go

I‘d have thought
That with time
Thoughts of her
Would leave my head

That‘s so sweet fo you . Thank you so very much.
红酒 2011-4-10 15:34
To: 今又是 你曾经说:


Red, red wine
Go to my head
Make me forget that I
Still need her so

Red, red wine
It‘s up to you
All I can do, I‘ve done
But memories won‘t go
No, memories won‘t go

I‘d have thought
That with time
Thoughts of her
Would leave my head
I was wrong
And I find
Just one thing makes me forget

Red, red wine
Stay close to me
Don‘t let me be alone
It‘s tearin‘ apart
My blue, blue heart

Red Red Wine Toast Section

Red red wine you make me feel so fine
You keep me rocking all of the time
Red red wine you make me feel so grand
I feel a million dollars when your just in my hand
Red red wine you make me feel so sad
Any time I see you go it makes me feel bad
Red red wine you make me feel so fine
Monkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep line
Red red wine you give me whole heap of zing
Whole heap of zing mek me do me own thing
Red red wine you really know how fi love
Your kind of loving like a blessing from above
Red red wine I love you right from the start
Right from the start with all of my heart
Red red wine in a 80‘s style
Red red wine in a modern beat style, yeah


Give me little time, help me clear up me mind
Give me little time, help me clear up me mind
Give me Red wine because it make me feel fine
Mek me feel fine all of the time
Red red wine you make me feel so fine
Monkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep line
The line broke, the monkey get choke
Burn bad rizla pon him little rowing boat

Red red wine I‘m gonna hold to you
Hold on to you cause I know you love true
Red red wine I‘m gonna love you till I die
Love you till I die and that‘s no lie
Red red wine can‘t get you out my mind
Where ever you maybe I‘ll surely find
I‘ll surely find make no fuss just stick with us.


Red red wine you really know how fi love
Your kind of loving like a blessing from above
Red red wine I love you right from the start
Right from the start with all of my heart
Red red wine you really know how fi love
Your kind of loving like a blessing from above
Red red wine you give me whole heap of zing
Whole heap of zing mek me do me own thing
Red red wine in a 80‘s style
Red red wine in a modern beat style, yeah.
今又是 2011-4-10 10:12
To: 红酒 你曾经说:
UB40的歌 redwine 是俺起先叫这名字的原因。。。

看看能不能注册上‘蓝酒’, 好专在美国中文网上用

今又是 2011-4-10 10:09
To: 红酒 你曾经说:
UB40的歌 redwine 是俺起先叫这名字的原因。。。

看看能不能注册上‘蓝酒’, 好专在美国中文网上用

红酒 2011-4-10 09:59
To: 今又是 你曾经说:

UB40的歌 redwine 是俺起先叫这名字的原因。。。

看看能不能注册上‘蓝酒’, 好专在美国中文网上用
今又是 2011-4-10 09:56
To: 红酒 你曾经说:
没关系, 俺的明白。不过‘君子试味’的博客名气在这里实在是太响了, 所以, 俺觉得不说一下, 肯定会有糊里八涂的以为俺的‘红酒’是假冒伪劣~~~

不过哦,还真是‘君子试味’介绍我这个‘美国中文网’的。本来试图用俺在别处的网名‘redwine’, 可惜注册不上, 于是就现在的这个了。。。

多说一句:amber wine也不错的。Blue Wine,多美啊!特别喜欢。光名字就让人浮想联翩要醉了。
今又是 2011-4-10 09:51
To: 今又是 你曾经说:

今又是 2011-4-10 09:50
To: 红酒 你曾经说:
没关系, 俺的明白。不过‘君子试味’的博客名气在这里实在是太响了, 所以, 俺觉得不说一下, 肯定会有糊里八涂的以为俺的‘红酒’是假冒伪劣~~~

不过哦,还真是‘君子试味’介绍我这个‘美国中文网’的。本来试图用俺在别处的网名‘redwine’, 可惜注册不上, 于是就现在的这个了。。。

红酒 2011-4-10 09:39
To: 今又是 你曾经说:
没关系, 俺的明白。不过‘君子试味’的博客名气在这里实在是太响了, 所以, 俺觉得不说一下, 肯定会有糊里八涂的以为俺的‘红酒’是假冒伪劣~~~

不过哦,还真是‘君子试味’介绍我这个‘美国中文网’的。本来试图用俺在别处的网名‘redwine’, 可惜注册不上, 于是就现在的这个了。。。
今又是 2011-4-8 11:16
听雨潇潇 2011-1-23 22:38
linshugong 2010-12-5 19:37
linshugong 2010-11-26 22:51

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