分享 PBF ASIA 招募对象
hellenxx 2011-4-17 09:22
招募对象: 广大街舞爱好者 招募要求: 有一定舞蹈基础,热爱 hiphop 文化,虚心好学,服从指挥,有团队精神,形象良好,无不良嗜好,愿意与团队共同进步。 招募流程: 1 、自选音乐表演。自备音乐, MP3 、 CD 或手机均可,表演时间 1 分 30 秒 2 ...
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分享 PBF ASIA 曾获荣誉
hellenxx 2011-4-17 09:21
2009 茂名第四届街舞精英赛冠军 2009 花都前悦流行站街舞争霸赛冠军 2009 清远“星光杯・敢 SHOW 清城”团体冠军、 3 VS 3 冠亚军、单人亚军 2009 鲜的每日 C “舞动青春秀鲜活”舞蹈大赛总决赛亚军 2008 世界街舞 BBOYWORLD(3V3) 广东赛区亚军 2008 ...
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分享 PBF ASIA即将招收新成员啦!
hellenxx 2011-4-17 09:20
PBF ASIA 街舞团体简介: PBF ASIA 街舞团体,创立于 2003 年 , 团队总体以街舞中 Breaking dance 为主其中也包劲舞 , 现代舞 , 我团队为扩展实力范围 , 力求更大的发展空间 ,   目前有 10 多位成员 , 以广州作为发展中心点。发展至今,我团 ...
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分享 ASIA Tomb-sweeping day origin PBF
hellenxx 2011-4-13 22:54
Clear the name, time was originally XiaLi solar term between march in April 5 calendar before or after the HanShiJie late), more than one to two days. The meaning of clear, according to the age of 100 asked, said: things grow at this time, all clean and bright. So call clarity. To clear the ...
1795 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 ASIA PBF Amazing feat - ants stunts and hard work
hellenxx 2011-4-13 22:53
According to foreign media reports, if close observation ants life world, you'll find the ant sometimes have amazing power. Indonesia photographer Andy jas grace - rtu fe filmed recently to a red ant's amazing feat: ants are dying fastened on a huge yellow petals, the hind legs have struggled to s ...
1439 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Prahistorische Bronzefunde (PBF asia)
hellenxx 2011-4-11 09:30
Authors: Gerd Weisgerber , Paul Yule Publisher: Franz Steiner Verlag Keywords: prahistorische , bronzefunde , pbf asia, oman , sultanate , hoard , ibri , selme , metal Number of Pages: 106 Published: 2001-12-01 List price: unknow ISBN-10: 3515071539 ISBN-13: ...
1325 次阅读|0 个评论

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