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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Q65 Woes by Greatxu

The Q65 Route is my home route, and I take it nearly every week day. It is a relatively heavily trafficked bus route. It uses the Orion V CNGs, and is run by MTA Bus (formerly run by Queens Surface). The route runs from College Point to Flushing and Jamaica, with the 2 ends at College Point Blvd and the AirTrain Station on Sutphin Blvd. However, there are many things horribly wrong with this route. But first, let me list the good things:


1. LIMITED Service. BIG UP. It definitely saves some time for those of us who need the route for longer distances, and we don't need to stop at practically every block along the route. It's a much more comfortable bus ride too, and the bus travels longer distances at more constant speeds.
2. Relatively Ample Service. Rush hour buses come every 5 minutes, with alternating limiteds and locals.

But that's about it with the good part. There are NUMEROUS things I have to say that are bad.

1. LATE EVERY 49 OUT OF 50 TIMES. This route has never been known for being punctual at all. Buses arrive at Main Street Flushing on time. However, it is ALWAYS late after it leaves downtown Flushing. This is due to the bigger problem of traffic, but also due to bus drivers. I understand this is a hard route to drive with many turns and uphills. However, certain bus drivers (I take the route so often I can recognize certain drivers) are always late, because they drive slower than the average speed of the traffic along the road, and spend extra time doing other things during their job. For example, more than once, I have seen bus drivers on the route get off next to a deli to grab some cookies or a drink. Fine, have a snack, but NOT DURING YOUR RUN. YOU DON'T NEED IT YET. Also, I've seen drivers pick up their friends on the street onto the bus, to have a conversation. They get on and talk the day away and get off at the same spot. This is UNACCEPTABLE.
2. TRAFFIC. This route is filled with problems outside of the bus. Flushing is practically a daily bus jam, and there are more buses on the road than cars practically. Flushing is dangerously overcrowded during rush hour, with people rushing for their right route and jay-walking/sprinting through streets. There are JUST TOO MANY ROUTES THERE. Every bus route (about 25 altogether) stop along a stretch of 3 blocks, and about five of them overcrowd the Roosevelt/MainSt intersection, being that it is their terminal, laying over at the worst possible spot. Also, when you have 5 different routes all criss-crossing throughout the place, it gets completely out of hand. One bus can barely make a narrow turn, and when there are hundreds of buses every hour making the same turn, it DOESN'T WORK. Outside of Flushing, it's just as hard. There are about 20 total turns on the Q65 route, and it is not easy for bus drivers to make hard 90 degree turns all the time. Also, on narrow roads like Bowne Street and Sanford Ave, there are many many double parkers, who force 2-way traffic to narrow into a small space, creating much more of a delay.
3. THE BUSES. CNGs are not made for this route. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether to like or dislike these buses, but not on the Q65 should they run. It is almost once a month there is a bus that has broken down for whatever reason. Sometimes the engine has a problem, sometimes the bus just can't start up, sometimes even the wheelchair machine goes down but yet it can't go back up, leaving the bus with no choice but the stay there. The route is full of uphills which are very hard to maneuver with a heavy bus like this one. And the bigger the bus, the harder the turns. The LED signs on the Bus are also very bad, and are not easy to read at all. During the day, they are barely visible, under the gleaming sun. During the night, the extra light does not help. And these signs are often dead and broken.


Anonymous said...

I wait for the Q65 on 164th Street and 67th Ave. for twenty to thirty minutes every day. MTA says it should run every 10 minutes. The bus ride is like being in a car crash twice a day. Its jarring and back breaking because of no shocks. The drivers have also just passed me right by are they on drugs or what. I have been told by customer service because of budget cuts there are no dispatchers so know in authority knows when they come or go. And drivers have told me there are more drivers than busses. That they cannot repair them fast enough and that drivers therefore leave the depot late ever day. Who in the local politics can handle this horror story. This would not be tolerated in Bayside or Forest Hills. This route not considered a "good" area so it gets what it gets!!!

June 25, 2009 12:05 AM 爱恨交加的纽约巴士_图1-9
Anonymous said...

I take the 65 to College Point every day at about 11 AM and have to wait an average of 35 minutes. Today I waited 55 minutes. I know this would not happen in Manhattan. I will just keep complaining, calling 311 and e mailing the mta every day about this. If enough of us do this we may get them to come more often. It doesen't take that long to shoot them a email a few times a week or call 311 to mabye make the bus we take better.

September 21, 2009 3:15 PM 爱恨交加的纽约巴士_图1-9







发表评论 评论 (6 个评论)

回复 rubin 2010-9-27 10:42
回复 rubin 2010-9-17 11:27
昨天晚上(9/16)由于飓风,皇后区交通大乱。等待将近1个小时,最后上了第三辆Q25 号。然后走一段路回家。今天早上(9/17),从9点15分等车上班,上了第三辆运行中的Q65号,当中还有大概5辆“Not In Service”经过。第一辆满载,不停。第二辆放下一个人,上了一个人。第三辆到达,已经是10点10分。
回复 vzhou 2010-9-16 15:43
回复 rubin 2010-9-3 15:08
关于暂停服务(Not in Service),专门咨询过司机,他说,那是司机下班的车。我表示理解。只是,大清早的,每天却是下班的车比当班的车要多。怪哉!
回复 bqli 2010-9-3 14:12
还有一次,对面开过去6辆65路, 我要坐的这边才来一辆,一看“暂停服务“,气个半死。后来干脆搬到地铁旁边了。
回复 红酒不过夜 2010-9-3 02:13


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