分享 喝牛奶真的有益健康吗?
Brid2011 2014-11-19 14:14
Aha! 牛奶未必有益健康。 咱们总担心自己的孩子不愿意喝牛奶。 Now, Perhaps we should be relaxed and let them follow their guts (and hearts). (I know you won’t. Haha) An article I came across this morning says a new study, conducted by Swedish researchers for a period of 23 y ...
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分享 Dad: A man with a past
Brid2011 2014-10-30 15:41
I attended a meeting on stroke-brain damage this afternoon and the speaker talked about how some of those patients would go through the ordeal of memory loss and literally become men without a past. Earlier this year dad passed into eternal rest after a courageous battle with illne ...
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分享 小黄之冢。
Brid2011 2014-6-29 12:40
上礼拜去看了一下小黄安息之地。彼地已是芳草萋萋,周围的树丛有的已没于湖畔浅水。我趟如湿地,慢慢寻找。心如钟鼓撞击,默念不知还能否找到那里。仔细搜索了一番,终于看到去年插于冢前的小树枝以及依旧完整的小丘 和上面的石头,如释重负。离去之时,想到那青草覆盖之下的遗骨,早已化成土壤,心下有些黯然。想起小黄可 ...
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分享 纪念小黄
Brid2011 2014-2-9 17:03
纪 念小 黄 寒冷的星期天,小雪。今天是一个令人心碎的日子。我 们 的 宠 物“小 黄 ”-一只 红 耳 龟 ( red-eared slider) 死了。小 黄 一直在冬眠, 应该 是上星期的某一天停止呼吸的,但直到今天才 发现 。几年以前,我 们 从一家波士 顿 中国小店里 买 了一 对 小 ...
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分享 Pete Seeger 去世. A great loss.
Brid2011 2014-1-28 10:33
你是否曾经听过“Forever Young," 或是"If I had A hammer"。民间音乐 (folk song) 的灵魂。Pete Seeger 去世。 His lyrics will remain far into the future. Pete Seeger, RIP.
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分享 自然进化的策略:吃水果并快乐的帮助基因!
Brid2011 2014-1-25 13:42
Eating Fruits to Please Your Stomach While Helping Plant Genes -An Evolution Strategy -Brid2011 Next time when you take an excursion into the wild, eat some fruits and you’ll help nature. Sounds interesting? Or am I joking? No. But I’m saying that from a biologist’s perspective: Thi ...
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分享 A Cold Christmas Night.
Brid2011 2013-12-27 13:08
Happy New Year, friends! My Christmas this year was very quiet, as my roommates had gone home for the holiday. I delighted my stomach in going to Chinese restaurants (in New York) for the day and returned to the “ghost” house at dusk. The night was peaceful and silent indeed. Except one i ...
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分享 又是中秋,乡愁。Nostalgia.
Brid2011 2013-9-19 17:58
天气渐凉,又是中秋。 昨夜看到一轮硕大而圆满的月悬挂在寂寞天幕,散发着冷冷的清辉,才想起又到了 思念亲人的时节。 刹那间感觉自己被一种不可遏制的浓浓乡愁淹没。 一时间思絮汹涌。Nostalgia. 在英语中 nostalgia 是那种不需要任何努力就会让我记住并再也不会忘记的词汇之一。我清晰地记得多年以前第一次查字典 ...
个人分类: Brid2011的原创|3339 次阅读|5 个评论 热度 6
分享 中秋。Nostalgia-乡愁。永恒的经典,永逝的岁月。
Brid2011 2013-9-19 17:53
天气渐凉,又是中秋。 昨夜看到一轮硕大而圆满的月悬挂在寂寞天幕,散发着冷冷的清辉,才想起又到了 思念亲人的时节。 刹那间感觉自己被一种不可遏制的浓浓乡愁淹没。 一时间思絮汹涌。Nostalgia. 在英语中 nostalgia 是那种不需要任何努力就会让我记住并再也不会忘记的词汇之一。我清晰地记得多年以前第一次查字典 ...
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分享 Two Intense Hours-Boston Tragedy.
Brid2011 2013-4-16 19:30
Yesterday I had experienced two very stressful hours. This is one of the most intense moments in my life. I was in New York City. Right after 3:00 pm I heard the news that two powerful explosions took place at Boston marathon finish line (Copley) at 2:50 pm. The incident had generated lots of ...
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