分享 Not Romantic At All.
Brid2011 2013-3-24 14:12
Living a solitary life is an excruciating experience. Yet, it's one necessary for one's ability to work, produce, and create. In the past several months, I've been working on a manuscript. It's been an ordeal experience, and not over yet. The product might be exciting. But the process of its produc ...
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分享 吃mang mang: a trivial discovery
Brid2011 2013-3-6 12:45
I did not know this word: munch . Neither meaning nor pronunciation. So I looked it up. It is defined as “ to chew with steady or vigorous working of the jaws, often audibly,” and pounces “muhnch.” What I found out immediately struck me as something so intimately familiar. ...
个人分类: Brid2011的原创|1428 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 个人履历的陷阱以及诚信教育的欠缺
Brid2011 2012-2-22 18:48
方舟子与韩寒“代笔“作假的争论历月余尚沸沸扬扬。方舟子打假的勇气令人激赏。可是这样轰动的打假事件仅仅是冰山一角。其实,在作假的行但里,在个人履历上写上虚假或夸张的学历、成就、以及技能最为常见。这样的事在如今的社会上层出不穷。方舟子揭露过的不少“名人”都在榜上。因为一份辉煌的简历可以为其拥有者带来莫 ...
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