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Aha! 牛奶未必有益健康。
咱们总担心自己的孩子不愿意喝牛奶。Now, Perhaps we should be relaxed and let them follow their guts (and hearts). (I know you won’t. Haha)
An article I came across this morning says a new study, conducted by Swedish researchers for a period of 23 years, found no link between milk consumption and some of its presumed benefits. The widely held belief that drinking milk is good to bone health is now in doubt. In addition, milk consumption seems to be associated with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases (心血管疾病)as well as a higher mortality in avid milk drinkers.
Here are two pitfalls that you should be aware of: First, the study is too premature to be conclusive. So if you like milk (I do), simply ignore the study. But if you hate milk, I would breathe a quiet sigh of relief and take a hot bath, right now.
Second, because the study was carried out on European populations, what it actually means to we Asians is not clear.
Message to take home:
In the end, all these sorts of studies don’t mean much to us, or do they? I myself usually trash most of advices given by food experts on News and TVs. Except I had to believe in my parents or risk upsetting them. LOL