分享 著名金文学家和历史学家刘正教授新作《中国彝铭学》获评世纪好书 ...
夫子三拱手 2022-5-7 07:51
著名金文学家和历史学家刘正教授新作《中国彝铭学》获评世纪好书 ...
见 榜单丨“世纪好书”2022年1月榜_腾讯新闻 (qq.com) 著名金文学家和历史学家刘正教授新作《中国彝铭学》获评世纪好书 《中国彝铭学》 刘正 著 上海人民出版社·上海书店 第一次对两千多年来的殷周金文研究史进行了全面总结。 本书是著名金文学家和历史学家刘正教授一生研究商周金文及金文学术史的最 ...
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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第二十一卷论文目录和内容提要
夫子三拱手 2022-4-16 11:53
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第二十一卷论文目录和内容提要 如下, 有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com list 1、Preface to "Chinese Oracle Osteology" (Updated Edition) From P2to P4By Wang Yuxin 2、Chinese Aesthetics in a Global (Fourth Edition) From P5to P 34 By Xurong Kong 3 ...
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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第二十卷论文目录和内容提要
夫子三拱手 2022-4-16 11:51
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第二十卷论文目录和内容提要 如下, 有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com List 目錄 1、My heartfelt mourning for Academician Léon Vandermeersch, Honorary President of the Society, From P3 to P4 沉痛悼念本學會名譽會長汪德邁院士 2、Recallin ...
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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十九卷论文目录和内容提要
夫子三拱手 2022-4-16 11:50
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十九卷论文目录和内容提要 如下, 有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com Vol. 19list 1、The preface to the statistics and investigation of the age of surnames in han Dynasty From P4 to P8By Yu Wanli 2、Prehistoric History of China, Indochina Pen ...
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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十八卷论文目录和内容提要
夫子三拱手 2022-4-16 11:48
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十八卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com Vol. 18list 1、On the evolution of Chinese early civilization: Outline of written speech at the Symposium on the origin of civilization: dialogue between Archaeology and histor ...
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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十七卷论文目录和内容提要
夫子三拱手 2022-4-16 11:42
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十七卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com Biography of Han Fuju-A Comparative Study of Rumors and Facts By Liu Zheng In this volume, the academic journal publishes the latest academic monograph of Professor Liu Zheng, whi ...
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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十六卷论文目录和内容提要
夫子三拱手 2022-4-14 22:56
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十六卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com Vol. 16list 1、The Political Game behind the fable of "The People Of Zheng Buys Shoes" and Zichan Publish the Law On A Tripod From P1 to P9 By Guo Shuwei 2、The Inte ...
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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十五卷论文目录和内容提要
夫子三拱手 2022-4-14 22:54
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十五卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com 王暉教授學術論文自選集 Professor Wang Hui's Comments on Historical Linguistics List Volume 1: Ancient writing and mythology Volume 2: Agricultural Archaeology in the Early Z ...
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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十四卷论文目录和内容提要
夫子三拱手 2022-4-14 22:53
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十四卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com Vol. 14list 1、"Feather man" examination -- based on the "four evidence method" From P4 to P29 By Li Bin 2、A Preliminary Study on the Custom of Tooth Extraction ...
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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十三卷论文目录和内容提要
夫子三拱手 2022-4-14 22:51
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十三卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com list 1、The first edition of Gui Zhongwu Chronicle From P3to P18By International Society of rchaeology and Historical Linguistics 2、The Study of Huai Hai Ju Shi Chang Duan Ju, ...
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