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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十二卷论文目录和内容提要
2022-4-14 22:45
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十二卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com Vol. 12list 1、A Study on the Oracle-bone Inscription of Zouri From P4to P13 B y Chang Yaohua 2、Study on the Gentleman Culture in Light of Yi-ology: On the p ...
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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十一卷论文目录和内容提要
2022-4-13 22:09
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十一卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com List 11 On the Origins of the Baodun Culture and shun Drive away Sanmiao From P4 to P17 By Liu Junnan, Li Chunyan Liu Junnan , professor of history department of Chongqing Norma ...
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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十卷论文目录和内容提要
2022-4-13 22:07
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第十卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com Vol. 10list 1、A New Explanation of the Oracle-bone Inscription Bu From P3 to P9 By Chang Yaohua 2、On the Painting Should be in the Wake of the Bottoming and th ...
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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第九卷论文目录和内容提要
2022-4-13 22:06
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第九卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com List 9 Making a User-Friendly Bilingual Dictionary for Chinese Translators: On the Revision of A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary It gives an account of how a dictionary pro ...
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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第八卷论文目录和内容提要
2022-4-13 22:04
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第八卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com List 8 Archaeological study of ancient bronze mirrors in the world: Ancient Egyptian civilization and Egyptian bronze mirror Sun Ruchu, Researcher of International Archaeology and ...
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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第七卷论文目录和内容提要
2022-4-13 22:02
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第七卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com List 7 Archaeological Study of Ancient Bronze Mirrors in the World : The Origin of the World’s Ancient Bronze Mirrors Abstract Sun Ruchu, Researcher of International Archaeo ...
451 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第六卷论文目录和内容提要
2022-4-12 22:27
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第六卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com 楊逢彬教授歷史語言學論集 Professor Yang Fengbin 's Comments on Historical Linguistics Yang Fengbin, male, born in 1956,a native of Changsha, Hunan Province, Yang Shuda's grandson ...
212 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第五卷论文目录和内容提要
2022-4-12 22:26
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第五卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com List 5 《汪德邁教授九十華誕祝壽専輯》 特別說明2 劉竹銘教授題寫書名3 汪德邁教授近照5 汪德邁教授舊照6 李曉紅夫婦祝壽宴、祝壽畫照片7 Léon VANDERMEERSCH(法文)8 汪老中文介紹11 ...
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分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第四卷论文目录和内容提要
2022-4-12 22:24
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第四卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com Vol. 4list 1、 A Study of Pottery Scripts in the Prehistoric Southern China 2、 “Relationship Between the Meanders of Dadianzi(夏家店) Ceramics and the Images of the D ...
286 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第三卷论文目录和内容提要
2022-4-12 22:23
IAHLS学术季刊JIAHL第一卷论文目录和内容提要如下,有需要本卷PDF文档者,请和学会秘书处信箱联系:2805532604@qq.com Vol. 3 List 1、Failed divinations from Bin group 2、On the “ren(人)” and “min(民)” in The Analects of Confucius 3、Oracle historical data recorded about "Fu Yue(傅说)" 4 ...
401 次阅读|0 个评论

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