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热度 17已有 23735 次阅读2019-9-20 08:56 分享到微信


"It's all built on the President's principle of our relationships with our trading partners ought to be reciprocal; meaning that free and fair trade means we'll give you the same access to our market that we had to your market. And whether it be the European Union, whether it be Japan, where there may be a trade deal come together next week with Japan, or ongoing negotiations with China. For the President it's all about saying -- it's all about saying to our trading partners: If you're going to have access to the most prosperous nation in the history of the world, then our people, our businesses, have every right to expect the same access to your market."



"But when it comes to China, it's a whole different ball game. We run $500 billion trade deficits with China, and we estimate that we lose almost as much in intellectual property theft, every single year. I mean, what the President is doing with China is defending the American economy, defending America's interests. And the strong stand that he's taken we believe is having an impact on China's economy. There's no question about it. But that being said, discussions are ongoing. Deputies are in town, I'm told, next week. Principals will be meeting again, Secretary Mnuchin and the U.S. trade representative, with Chinese officials next month. And we're talking."




"But the era of economic surrender is over. And for too long one administration after another, Republican and Democrat administrations, were willing to accept extraordinary disadvantages to American workers and American jobs in the name of trade with China. And those days are over. I mean -- and we're going to continue to stand strong. You know, the President has a great relationship with President Xi. I've had discussions with President Xi where I've confirmed that, I've sensed that same rapport that they have. But the American people can be confident President Trump is going to continue to stand strong, not just to reset the trading relationship, to have China open their markets to the United States, but also to have China finally embrace the international rules of commerce to protect intellectual property and forced technology transfer, all the things that have been working against America's interest and, frankly, the interest of economies around the world. We remain hopeful, but --"


"You know, the question now is whether or not China wants to do a deal, I think. And if we have a sense China wants to do a deal, we just don't know if they want to do it yet. So they'll be here. We'll be talking. We'll be exploring it. But I promise you, President Trump, in our negotiations with China, with Japan, with the European Union, with the UK, once they complete Brexit, it's all going to put American jobs and American workers first."


"I've been in the Oval Office where the President has made it very, very clear to Chinese officials at the very highest level of these negotiations that the structural issues are central, that China -- look, we supported China joining the World Trade Organization. And the belief was that by letting them into the World Trade Organization, that we would see China move away from these kind of economic practices; and, frankly, we also hoped that we would see them embrace more of the liberties that we cherish. Where you have a flourishing free enterprise economy around the world, through the history of the world, invariably you see individual rights grow. The truth of the matter is, China has not been willing to embrace the international rules of commerce. In fact, they've abused the rules of commerce to their advantage and taken advantage of America and other economies for far too long. And also the truth is, frankly, they've gone in many ways in the opposite direction on the issue of liberties and their conduct."




"So the President has taken a strong stand. And, honestly, Joe, it's quite in contrast with people that are seeking the Democrat nomination for president. I heard where my predecessor, Joe Biden, did an interview where he scoffed at the idea that China was a competitor. It's really remarkable. But that's what got us where we are today with China. And President Trump sees clearly that China has been taking advantage of its position in the World Trade Organization for far too long. We're going to take a strong stand, and we're going to continue -- and I promise you this, the President is going to continue to stand firm until either China decides to embrace the kind of reforms that will respect those international rules and reset our trading relationship. Or, as the President said, we believe we're in a very strong position, and we'll continue to use access to the most powerful economy in the world to protect American jobs and American workers."










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回复 威聯 2019-9-21 18:56
回复 言者无罪 2019-9-21 00:33
回复 pc60 2019-9-20 20:17
回复 smile008 2019-9-20 14:02
cqtbg: 如果还是老调重弹,接下来的谈判堪忧。
彭斯要求“中国对美国打开他们的市场,还要求中国遵守国际商业规则,保护知识产权,禁止强迫转让技术以及所有对美国和全世界经济不利的东西。” 美国封杀华为,其实也是迫使华为强制转让技术,任正非最近只好同意对美出售其呕心沥血培育的5G。其实还有更深层次的问题,根据香港亚洲时报网站8月26日发表美国经济学家戴维.戈德曼,题为《唐纳德·特朗普的失败之舞》的文章指出:“新的5G系统将嵌入量子加密系统,从而防止美国情报机构对世界通信进行窃听,摧毁美国的一项关键优势”。这就是为什么情报界劝说特朗普政府不惜一切代价阻挠华为推出5G服务的原因。显然真理不是任由谁来定义的,应由世界各国人民来鉴别。
回复 cqtbg 2019-9-20 12:03


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