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热度 21已有 14059 次阅读2016-7-27 15:10 分享到微信





















QUESTION: Thank you. In this series of meetings, the dispute over South China Sea and the international arbitration ruling have turned to the biggest issue, one of the biggest issues. While ASEAN countries look divided over this dispute, Chinese foreign minister claimed that the discussion about the arbitration had been over.

So what do you think about this claim by China? And --

SECRETARY KERRY: The Chinese foreign minister claimed that what?

QUESTION: Claimed that the discussion over the arbitration have been over.

SECRETARY KERRY: Oh, okay, yeah. Arbitration has ended.

QUESTION: What do you think about this claim? And also I would like to ask you how do you believe that the USA can maintain its influence to keep the peace and security in this region?

SECRETARY KERRY: Well, very good questions. And let me just say that on the South China Sea, I said in the room a few minutes ago that the arbitration is an arbitration that took place under international law. And it is an arbitration, the results of which, the international community, ourselves included, believe is legally binding and is a matter of law. Now, that said, that’s our position. We don’t take a position, as I said earlier, on the claimants. We take a position that rule of law must be upheld. And we believe there are obligations under it.

Now, China has a position that they say that the decision is illegitimate. So we still have a task ahead of us, a challenge, which is to try to work going forward to make sure that we are resolving the issues through diplomacy and rule of law, through the diplomatic process, but also through whatever available legal institutions there are to support a process. And China, in my meeting with the foreign minister, the foreign minister said very clearly the time has come to sort of move away from the sort of public tensions and turn the page and begin to engage in full measure of diplomacy and so forth.

Well we agree with that, if that’s the direction that people want to move, that no claimant should be acting in a way that is provocative. No claimant should take steps that wind up raising tensions. And what we would like to see is a process of dialogue. China indicated its willingness and readiness to engage in a dialogue and bilateral negotiation with the Philippines. I will be leaving for the Philippines this afternoon and meeting with President Duterte tomorrow, and I would encourage President Duterte to engage in dialogue and in negotiation.

So hopefully this can become a moment that we can all take advantage of, where we work out some of the modalities of how do you deal with fishing, how do you deal with natural resources, how do you deal with the movement of – the free movement of vessels, and protect the rights of everybody. This could be a very important moment of shifting how this discussion has taken place, and not being played out through public moves unilaterally and challenges, but in a constructive and thoughtful, engaged diplomatic manner. That would be our hope. That is what we have encouraged all the time and I hope that that could be an outcome of where we are today. Thank you all. Nice to be with you.


QUESTION: I asked if it wasn’t really a victory for the ASEAN countries.

FOREIGN SECRETARY YASAY: Okay, I think it was a triumph for ASEAN. If you will look at the joint communique and the statement, it covers all of the elements and fundamental principles on which ASEAN is based and which justify the existence of ASEAN. They have talked about the respect for legal processes and the democratic processes in resolving this dispute. It has talked about upholding international law and the 1982 UNCLOS. It has also expressed their concerns about the actions that have been taken that destabilize such as the reclamation activities that has been undertaken, and this is very important. And more importantly, it has asked all of the parties concerned to exercise restraint and sobriety towards the peaceful settlement of their disputes.

So this to me is a triumph for ASEAN because it makes ASEAN more credible to the international community and it makes it more efficient, effective, and relevant as a regional group.

SECRETARY KERRY: Thank you, Lesley. I think that Secretary Yasay has given a very good answer. I’ll just add a couple things to it. I’d ask you to go read the communique paragraph for paragraph as I did before we approved it. And I was very satisfied that the communique clearly referenced all legal rights, all legal decisions, legal process, legal tribunal, legal decisions, without mentioning the arbitration. And sometimes, frankly, at a meeting like that and diplomacy, you don’t always have to – you don’t always have to include every single word that may, in fact, sometimes make it harder to get to the dialogue that you want to get to.

But every single principle, every single value of rule of law, was embraced in that communique. The communique said clearly that everybody supported the Law of the Sea process. Everybody supported the rule of law. Everybody thought that there must be a reduction of tension. Everybody thought that people needed to abide by what the legal requirements were under the law, and they had to be resolved by rule of law.

Now, I made it clear and I think the foreign secretary made it clear, as has everybody else, that the decision itself is a binding decision. But we’re not trying to create a confrontation. We’re trying to create a solution mindful of the rights of people that are established under the law. So whatever – as we encourage the Philippines and we encourage the Chinese and we encourage other claimants to engage in negotiations, that’s now new. I did that when I went to Beijing and China three years ago, and President Obama has said that. We are consistently, year after year, urging parties to negotiate, to work this through diplomatically, bilaterally, multilaterally, build up confidence-building measures. And when we say that we urge a negotiation, we do so obviously understanding that our friend and ally, the Philippines, can only do so on terms that are acceptable to the Government of the Philippines.

So my judgment is hopefully you shouldn’t be looking for the confrontation; you should be looking for the solution. And I believe that was a communique that helps perhaps to move people towards the kind of discussion that could bring about a conclusion. But it still is mindful of what we believe is the impact and judgment of that decision itself.

QUESTION: But Mr. Secretary, if you don’t mention the ruling publicly, if nobody admits it, then are you not afraid that it could become irrelevant?

SECRETARY KERRY: It’s impossible for it to be irrelevant. It’s legally binding and it’s obviously a decision of the court that is recognized under international law and it has to be part of the calculation. And I am confident our friends in the Philippines will make their judgments about what their negotiating position is and how they intend to proceed forward. What we want to do is urge people to not try to build up the tensions, don’t take provocative actions, leave a space here for people to be able to find a way forward that meets the needs of the region, of the nations, and also respects people’s rights and obligations.

Thank you all very much.







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回复 liushuai2009 2016-7-28 09:18
回复 samfbh 2016-7-28 04:04
回复 我就是局部地区个别人 2016-7-28 03:43
回复 West-East 2016-7-28 01:24
Tigerc: 菲律宾花三千万买一张废纸,美国人高喊仲裁案是国际法必须执行,却面对中国的不承认,不接受的强烈反击无可奈何,现在又说仲裁案写不写进公报不重要。早知如此, ...
回复 shiling 2016-7-27 22:18

一副驽马与蠢驴杂交出来的骡子样。我说的是美国 当年噹了裤子造原子弹,到了今天又是东风又是红旗的,看样子意义不大嘛。当年噹了裤子都昂首挺胸屹立于世界东方,挺到而今咋这副猥亵相呢,不能够啊。


回复 阿彭 2016-7-27 22:06
回复 伪装者 2016-7-27 17:49
回复 Tigerc 2016-7-27 17:14


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