分享 等待
hnaugust12 2009-10-22 03:41
清晨,草地,花丛。一位少女在原地徘徊着,清秀的眉宇间透露出一丝焦急和期望。露珠亲吻着她丁香色的裙摆。她望着远方那浸透霞光的天空,突然绽放出了如花的笑靥。天边出现了一张熟悉的脸,是我?!少女却看着 “ 我 ” 微笑地说: “ 我在等你,你知道吗 ……”      睁开双眼,我已处于一片 ...
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分享 How Sir Charles Died2
hnaugust12 2009-10-21 01:36
Dr Mortimer was called to look at Sir Charles'body.There were no signs that Sir Charles had been murdered,but Dr Mortimer did not recognize his friend's face.The whole shape of it was changed.However,this often hap pens with deaths which are caused by weak hearts.When Dr Mortimer looked at the b ...
个人分类: 情感|1157 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How Sir Charles Died1
hnaugust12 2009-10-21 01:36
When Dr Mortimer had finished reading this strange story,he looked across at Sherlock Holmes.Holmes looked bored. 'Did you find the story interesting?'asked Dr Mortimer. 'It may interest a collector of stories to frighten children,' said Holmes. Nike Shox NZ Shoes ,Dr Mortimer took ...
个人分类: 情感|1278 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 What I Have Lived For
hnaugust12 2009-10-13 22:08
Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a great ocean of anguish, reachin ...
个人分类: 情感|1078 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 唯一的红颜知己
hnaugust12 2009-10-13 22:06
                       夜幕降临,城市早已亮起万家灯火,闪闪烁烁非常漂亮。   杨军不知哪根筋不对,一向铁公鸡的他竟然大方的请宿舍哥们出去吃饭,我们在校门口不远的川菜馆要了个包厢,刚吃 ...
个人分类: 情感|822 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 All woman born for loving
hnaugust12 2009-10-12 21:07
A little boy asked his mother:Why are you crying? Because I am a woman.She told him. I don't understandhe said. His mum just hugged him and said: Jordans shoes for cheap And you never will. Later the little boy asked his father:Why does mother seem to cry for no ...
个人分类: 情感|976 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 爱,无情经过
hnaugust12 2009-10-7 01:40
    分手那天 , 是四川那一年第一个有着些许温暖的春日,我们被寒冷冰冻了一个季节的心,甚至还有些来不 及适应突然的太阳。我和渔渔,沿着那条路来来回回,走了数十次。风,不时拂过我的脸,我看见她的 发,飞扬缠绕,纠结不清。     渔渔说:就到这里吧,我会 ...
个人分类: 情感|1063 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 彼岸之花
hnaugust12 2009-10-5 12:23
彼岸之花 一、曼珠沙华     我沿着没有边的河岸往前走,一步,一个窝。我讶异,看向前方。为何只有我的脚印如此沉重,为何他们都轻飘飘的犹如踩在棉花上?还有,他们怎么都面无表情,而似乎只有我,才有思想?     思想?我停下脚步,望向岸边的花。好 ...
个人分类: 情感|988 次阅读|0 个评论

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