分享 爱在南柯
hnaugust12 2009-11-28 01:44
从花开到花谢,我苦苦等了一个季节 ! 从春日到冬日,我苦苦等了整整一个年头!叶子绿了又黄,黄了又绿,春华秋实,日月无情。因为认识了你,我才每天有了瑰丽的梦!      在一个春日的夜里,你把遍地鹅黄芽绿的勃勃生机,编织成绿色的地毯,用你的挚爱深深的掩埋我毕生的寒冬;  & ...
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分享 God please bestow an I sincere love2
hnaugust12 2009-11-28 01:43
In the end, the pain has hurt his own people. Also get other people's misunderstanding and cast aside. Appears to be a weak man, Air Max 91 Shoes ,but who knows to give up loved ones and many inner pain so deep? But you know what it means? If you deeply appreciate, we know what is what is known ...
个人分类: 情感|975 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 落花无声
hnaugust12 2009-11-27 02:07
藏在雨中的片断化作一川风雨烟,飘于我的思念,只怕落花有意,唯恐流水无情。   天,不知何时下起了蒙蒙细雨,飘飘忽忽如梦一般朦胧 ……   看着这荡起的绿色春潮,美丽而又多愁善感的她,又隐隐约约地出现在我眼前这冷清而又朦胧的雨中。 她和我相识是一个美丽的意外。 那是一个星期天的下午 ...
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分享 God please bestow an I sincere love
hnaugust12 2009-11-27 02:07
Crowd, I find his true love. Still exist? Road injuries in love I, fortunately, I can use my language on my heart feelings.      Whether or not, I love you for your indifference. Your smile, your tears. Who Moved the situation, and whose pale face.    In s ...
个人分类: 情感|1139 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 依旧在人间
hnaugust12 2009-11-25 02:13
我祈求上帝夺走我哭泣的能力,而我没有信仰,因此泪流满面 ……      春雨既来,春风伊始,依旧是你那如诗般的容颜,轻描淡写,飘飞过那寂静无风的湖面。      那曾经初生的小树, Hot sale jordans shoes 正茁壮地发芽成长。      那 ...
个人分类: 情感|1005 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 窗外,下起季末的雨
hnaugust12 2009-11-24 08:44
       深秋的季节里,徜徉在一番雨意中。一个人,静立在窗前,等待黑夜。雨天,总是这般,安详的望着窗外的雨滴,心如那水中的涟漪,溅起层层思绪。      雨水,浸湿窗檐,透过玻璃,传来 “ 嘀哒,嘀哒 ” 的声音,然后,沿着水迹,滑下,渐渐融入雨里。细数 ...
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分享 Tears and pain
hnaugust12 2009-11-24 08:43
Crying, tired, do not know how to reconcile the minds of their own has always been difficult, if stomach want to say it, Air Jordan 2 but I do not know who to tell, only mediation and drink their own, perhaps drunk, crying, tired of crying when Hou is my most comfortable when no one knew how y ...
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分享 DON'T…
hnaugust12 2009-11-21 02:27
Don't underestimate yourself. Don't refuse to listen. Don't bottle things up. Don't expect life to discount Air Jordans be fair. Don't stick your head in the sand. Don't beat your head against a brick wall. Don't think the grass is greener on the other sid ...
个人分类: 情感|933 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 相约在漫天雪花
hnaugust12 2009-11-21 02:26
雪花在手中溶化,只剩下一摊泪水。我仿佛回到了梦境,穿越那古老的长廊,幻想着你的承诺就在尽头。泪水的极限,可能是幸福, Jordan Shoes   但更多的,却是被遗弃的山盟海誓。当一个人的回忆总会被丝丝缕缕的痛苦所牵扯,我想,她,是受到了时间最残酷的刑罚。      你说,我们都 ...
个人分类: 情感|905 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Promise don't come easy
hnaugust12 2009-11-20 02:45
I should have known all along Air Jordan 6 there was something wrong I just never read between the lines Then I woke up one day and found you on your way Leaving nothing but my heart behind What can I do to make it up to you Promises don't come easy Bu ...
个人分类: 情感|1125 次阅读|0 个评论

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