分享 人生·真情
hnaugust12 2009-12-5 02:58
朋友,当你独自漂泊时,可曾在茫茫人海中找寻那温暖的避风港?当你在黑暗中迷失时,可曾渴望见到那盏熟悉的明灯?当你在漫长的征途上前行时,可曾记起那声声殷切的叮咛 ……      以前,从来不知亲情是何物,只是固执地认为亲情跟其他的情感并无分别,都是一种感情。可是一部《暖春》,却让我 ...
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分享 人生·真情
hnaugust12 2009-12-5 02:58
朋友,当你独自漂泊时,可曾在茫茫人海中找寻那温暖的避风港?当你在黑暗中迷失时,可曾渴望见到那盏熟悉的明灯?当你在漫长的征途上前行时,可曾记起那声声殷切的叮咛 ……      以前,从来不知亲情是何物,只是固执地认为亲情跟其他的情感并无分别,都是一种感情。可是一部《暖春》,却让我 ...
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分享 心情未央
hnaugust12 2009-12-4 02:16
年轮一圈一圈的走过,从清冷的黎明乍醒到达朦胧的黄昏落幕,懵懂深邃的星光在几点几分唤醒夜的灵魂 ……      沉睡,时光在温暖的国度里长眠;跋涉,生命在诺大的沙漠里干涸。      尘土飞扬,在每个城市的高空里, Air Jordan 3 在每个乡村小路的巷口边,在每个 ...
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分享 Mid-Autumn Festival Origin
hnaugust12 2009-12-4 02:16
The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festivity for both the Han and minority nationalities. Cheap Jordans Shoes , The custom of worshipping the moon (called xi yue in Chinese) can be traced back as far as the ancient Xia and Shang Dynasties (2000 B.C.-1066 B.C.). In the Zhou Dynast ...
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分享 冬日
hnaugust12 2009-12-2 02:48
岁月老去,春秋风雨,冬夏阳雪,季节在轮回着。是一种美丽而又短暂的自然规律,但各个季节更替的轨道却永不改变。      秋影过千里,寒日匆至。冷风如钩,钓住身上那件棉纱线,犹如风丝悬空,一缕缕,一丝丝。尽日冻芳径,那枚倦意的秋色, Kids Jordan Shoes 已冰雕成花魂,欲在冬眠里 ...
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分享 Mid-Autumn Festival
hnaugust12 2009-12-2 02:48
The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival, the third and last festival for the living, was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, around the time of the autumn equinox. Jordans shoes for cheap ,Many referred to it simply as the Fifteenth of the Eighth Moon. In the Western calendar, the ...
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分享 我,你
hnaugust12 2009-12-1 02:43
你说过的,即使我们分开了,也要像在一起一样,所以你一定要好好的过。     —— 写在前面      (一)    今天凌晨,你乘着南下的火车,走了。去了那个闹哄哄的城市,你说要去寻找自己的梦想。     梦想,于曾经的我们,是一个何其 ...
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分享 Mid-Autumn
hnaugust12 2009-12-1 02:42
Mid-autumn Festival is also known as “Harvest Festival”, which is one of the most well known Chinese Festival none other than the “moon festival” The date of Mid-autumn   Festival also known as Chinese Moon Festival is on the 15th moon day of 8th Chinese lunar month (C ...
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分享 且行且静
hnaugust12 2009-11-29 03:20
入冬了,窗外的世界怒吼着呼啸的风。窝在被窝里,异常的平静,频繁的落寞。抱着本子看了安静悲伤的电影,老掉牙的情节,还是能骗得莫名的眼泪。冲泡了麦片,温暖下脆弱的胃。然后,强迫把整个自己,深深地埋进睡眠里。今天,是寂静的。     ------ 题记      总是一 ...
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分享 To be kind-hearted
hnaugust12 2009-11-29 03:20
One evening, it was raining and the wind was blowing hard. An old couple came to an inn and prepared to put up for the night there. A young man received them with open arms, but said “I’m sorry! Our guest rooms here are all full and cheap gucci shoes the inns nearby are all full, too, ...
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