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《Mindful Separation》
By G.S. Original resource: 《L.A Times》
Sometimes, a person comes into our life at just the right time. We connect immediately, deeply…and we soar like birds. We help guide each other through certain obstacles in our lives that may be holding us back, keeping us stuck. One shows the other what it’s like to fully trust another human being, how to open up their heart and really look inside…how to be patient, gentler and kinder. The other may teach us how to access our personal power, take up more space in the world and help us find the courage to follow our true path. We awaken each other's hearts and minds. We shatter previous illusions and show each other the mirror.
And then, it may be time to part. Time to move forward, separately, because the lessons that have brought you both together have now been learned.
You’ve brought each other to now.
It takes a tremendous amount of courage, and a lot of love, to let someone go. To allow them to experience something and someone new. Many people will ask, “What went wrong?”. Some friends and family will be disappointed. They liked the two of you together and wanted you to stay together. Comfortable in that, they felt safe. Your decision to move on with your lives, separately, shatters that image for them. Now they are forced to look at their own lives…their own relationships. Hopefully, most others though will understand that this is your journey and that you need to walk the path that is laid out in front of you.
What are some ways you can mindfully separate? For starters, take long walks together and talk everything through. Most of all, get out all the anger and resentments you may have towards each other. Bare it all. Silence is ok – as long as it serves the relationship in a healthy, respectful way, like saying “I need some time to process this”. Silence as a way of withholding, however, can be very damaging to the relationship – a passive aggressive way to punish or cause suffering. If you grew up with the silent treatment, as many of us have, than you understand how vital it is to communicate everything. So, if you don’t want to talk and need some time than let just let your partner know.
Listen. Listen without judgment and without the need to defend yourself. Put egos aside and don’t worry about being right…or wrong. You may not agree with everything your partner has to say about you (you probably won’t) but allow yourself to be ok with that. It’s their perception of you…how they see you and how they feel towards you. What you represent to them in some instances. It doesn’t mean that is who you really are. So, try to be understanding of one another…and be patient.
Separating from someone doesn’t have to be filled with animosity and mistrust. There was love there once and, in most cases, there still is. If we’re authentically mindful and aware of the other person’s thoughts and feelings, as well as our own, during the process than it can be just as beautiful an experience as when we initially came together. Possibly even more so…
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