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热度 16已有 4088 次阅读2012-4-4 20:22 |个人分类:杂谈|系统分类:杂谈| test, the, flash 分享到微信

In 1936, there is a 136
A number of a street
Touches the Fifth and
Fences the Central Park
On the far east side
In everyone's heart
Dream of the dreaming
Taste the tasty
She shall never die
Then, why shall I sigh
Everytime when she shows herself
 In the twilight







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回复 青竹凌云 2012-4-4 23:27
回复 寻迹天涯 2012-4-4 23:24
今又是: 会不会是我发音乐受到限制?我刚才查了一下,我的“权限”里没有发视频这一条。明天我会去问问。多谢天涯如此费心。真心感谢了。握手! ...
回复 寻迹天涯 2012-4-4 23:20
今又是: Exactly, shall I delete the [flash]from both sides?  I did that but the whole thing was gone.
yes, dele. the[flash] from both sides.just be careful, don't remove the [screen sign] out.
回复 今又是 2012-4-4 23:18
中间偏左: 忙你的,回见
回复 中间偏左 2012-4-4 23:14
今又是: 是,蓝调的切分、随意、铺展要很好的功底和知识才做得到的,我喜欢听低音部分到底不乱的优柔和婉转。谢谢左胸。这几天乱事,没得多少功夫了。回见! ...
回复 今又是 2012-4-4 23:14
寻迹天涯: using your link I text it on my blog, u see it's working, go to my space to check it
回复 寻迹天涯 2012-4-4 23:10
using your link I text it on my blog, u see it's working, go to my space to check it
回复 寻迹天涯 2012-4-4 23:04
今又是: If he loves the jazz that much, he should've known of my best friend, Mr. Tian (Tony), the King of the Jazz music in China.  He sings so beautifully t ...
I'm not sure he knew or not. gonna call him tomorrow. for me I like Nat King Cole more than others.
回复 今又是 2012-4-4 22:58
寻迹天涯: no,just dele the [flash], not all. retry it.
Exactly, shall I delete the [flash]from both sides?  I did that but the whole thing was gone.
回复 放飞情感 2012-4-4 22:49
回复 寻迹天涯 2012-4-4 22:49
no,just dele the [flash], not all. retry it.
回复 今又是 2012-4-4 22:44
放飞情感: 你这鬼东西要干嘛啊 ,弄的都是外文 还有 那个链接啥啊 你的梦想让我们真的梦想了。梦不醒了。
回复 今又是 2012-4-4 22:42
寻迹天涯: My dad likes Jazz so much, everytime he enjoys this sort of songs, he seems like traveling through the time tunnel, and getting young again.
If he loves the jazz that much, he should've known of my best friend, Mr. Tian (Tony), the King of the Jazz music in China.  He sings so beautifully that I can listen through the whole night.  I may introduce him to you one way or another, someday somehow.

You know about the Harlem in 1936, right?  Led to the Swing and then the Broadway Big Band.  Fabulous and everlasting!
回复 寻迹天涯 2012-4-4 22:37
My dad likes Jazz so much, everytime he enjoys this sort of songs, he seems like traveling through the time tunnel, and getting young again.
回复 放飞情感 2012-4-4 22:37
你这鬼东西要干嘛啊 ,弄的都是外文 还有 那个链接啥啊 你的梦想让我们真的梦想了。梦不醒了。
回复 今又是 2012-4-4 22:26
寻迹天涯: remove the 'flash' on both side and then save it. just one step to success. do it. by the way, who is the poet of this poem? u? i try to translate it  ...
After I erased the 【flash】on both sides, the whole thing is vanished, sadly.
回复 今又是 2012-4-4 22:22
寻迹天涯: remove the 'flash' on both side and then save it. just one step to success. do it. by the way, who is the poet of this poem? u? i try to translate it  ...
By the way, the Fifth here means the famous Fifth Ave which also cuts through Harlem, and on 136th street, it's so beautiful and surounds the east side of the Park.  
The fifth element of the music, for both the blues/jazz and the philharmonic, (From Bach) is the upmost artistic  tech trick, in almost any music.
回复 今又是 2012-4-4 22:15
中间偏左: 唱得真好。。。
回复 今又是 2012-4-4 22:13
寻迹天涯: remove the 'flash' on both side and then save it. just one step to success. do it. by the way, who is the poet of this poem? u? i try to translate it  ...
I did right in (the blog)here.     It's just a test.  You're so sweet.  Thanks a lot.
回复 中间偏左 2012-4-4 22:09


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