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已有 2815 次阅读2011-8-28 11:30 分享到微信







    From any hight point in the Pacific Northwest, volcanoes can be seen reaching above the rest of the Cascade Range. Against the sky they soar into realms of their own, reflecting light from their snow-fields and breaking the horizon with their massive bulks. One volcano, though, is not visible. The glory of this fallen giant lies not in its height but in what it cradles in its sumit ? Crater Lake, the clearest, deepest, bluest, most breathtakingly beartiful lake in the United States.


Hidden from view, the lake seems little more than a promise to first-time visitors. Roads climb slowly, offering not even a hint that they lead to one of the world’s greatest natural wonders. Near the top, after rising 2,000 feet or so in 10 miles ? not an uinusual climb for theCascades ? the roads should logically continue their gentle ascent. But instead of reaching toward the heavens, the mountain plunges earthward, disappearing into an immense bowl.


In a sense, the Crater Lake experience is like the Grand Canyon ? the sudden jolt that comes with discovering you are at the edge of a precipice when you didn’t even know the precipice was there. In one lavish crescendo you are simultaneously presented with a lke ive miles across, canyonlike depths, mountainous cliffs, and a natural amphitheater where light and color play lead roles. Visitors seldom react indifferently. Some are astonished. Some step back, uncertain. Fewcan look away.


    On each side, the rim of the large bowl slowly circles into the distance. Below the rim, steep slopes srop nearly 2,000 feet to the lake, itself a circle that seems cut from the sky. A small island in the lake, Wizard Iland, juts from the water. From its shores, the feeling of being inside a vast basin is awesome. Smooth slopes and jagged cliffs with great bands and swirls of light and dark rock rise all around and up to the rim, creating a world that would seem harsh and forbidding without the firs and hemlocks that soften the contours.The deep green trees are proof that life ixists.



July and August are the only times when snow does not colver the entire rim, when the landscape exchanges its ermine-white blanket for an eimerald-green one flecked with flowers. Although occasional storms sweeping in from the Pacific may disrupt the peace, this is the season of serenity at Crater Lake. In the clear mountain air the sky is lawlessly blue, and the horizon is so sharply defined it seems chiseled from the earth.


    Imagine a summer dawn, crsp and still, with frst shining coldly on the firs’ needled boughs. A robin calls uncertainly somewhere in a lofty sugar pine, breaking a silence that is otherwise complete. Within a few moments the bird sounds are more inisitent. An orange-glow on Garfield Peak, along the southestern rim, heralds the sunrise across the water, but in the thin, dry air the lake remains in shadow. Wisps of vapor rise off the water. In the stillness the rim’s relection, even more perfect than the rim itseld, transforms the lake into a giant mirror and seems to glow with a light of its own. Steadily the sunshine moves down the wall until finally the reflection is lost.


But it is summer now, and large,puffy clouds with dark gray bottoms move across the sky. Breezes draw arcs of dull silver on the water’s gunmetal-gray surface. The rim’s tall peaks ? Cloudcap, Llao Rock, Hillman Peak, the Watchman, and Dutton Cliff ? become shrouded in mist. Within an hour, like a prelude to a percussion concerto, a rumble of thunder reverberates from behind Mount Scott, the highest in the park. Sddently the drops fall uncertainly and then cease, leaving the pungent smell of rain on dust. But soon a long veil of moisture begins to fall softly. The ground becomes soggy, and the only sounds are a steady plop, plop, plop. The rain seems settled in.

    此时正值夏日。大团大团的乌云从天空飘浮而过。清风徐来,铁灰色的湖面泛起层层银色的涟漪。云冠、老岩、山翁峰、更夫、大灯崖 ? 诸如此类的山峰,高耸于深深的盆地周围,笼罩在蒙蒙的雾气之中。片刻之后,山背后就会传来隆隆的雷声,恰似一首打击器乐协奏曲的序曲。空气旋即冷嗖嗖,湿漉漉。星星点点的雨滴,七零八落地从天而降,散发出雨水落在泥土上特有的刺鼻的腥味儿。不久,一条长长的雾纱轻轻地飘然而落。地面湿淋淋的,唯一可以听到的就是噼里啪啦的响声。雨,似乎已经下起来了。

Toward late afternoon the rain tapers off to a drizzle and then stops. As the mist clears, therim gradually reappears. Two thin gray clouds hang suspended over the lake, and streamers of fog trail up the rocky slopes, disappearingover the rim. Low clouds turn gold, and Cloudcap, in the east, is bathed in brilliant light. The lake again becomes its sparkling blue. After a lingering moment of shadow, the surrounding forest is transformed. Countless drops of water hang from the pine needles, the leaves, the petals ? each droplet an instant prism. Wet cliffs glisten in counterpoint to the lake’s rhythmic ripples, both dancing to the music of sunlight.


Crater Lake mirrors the color of the sky. As in other lakes, when light enters the water its rays are separated into the colors of the rainbow. All but blue are absorbed and lost from view. The deeper the lake, the purer the color ? and with a depth of almost 2,000 feet, Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United States and the seventh deepest in the world. In addition, the purere a lakek, the cluer it is.


Crater Lake is a self-contrained bowl of rainwater, snowmelt, and nothing else. No water that might breing impurities flows in, and very little flows out. What evaporates is replaced by about the same amount from rian or snow, and the lake is kept at a nearly constant leverl. The crystal clear water is no pure that sunlight can penetrate to great depths, with astonishing reluts. Moss grows 425 feet below the surface, probably a world record. Fishermen can watch their lures flash through deep water and occasionally are lucky enough to see a trout or salmon strike at their lines. On very calm days, it is even possible to watch the bottom of the lake drop away from beneath your boat. In less than a mement you are suspended over the edge of a great abywss, staring into the eye of eternity.


As twilight deepens, the musical trill of juncos searching for seeds is joined by the husky song of the siskin. A last golden ray of sunlight touches Mount Scott and slowly fades into power blue as the sun slips below the horizon. Soon nothing is visible except the broad, sharp strokes of the jagged horizon and the dim reflection of the lake far below. A few stars appear, and then more. An owl hoots, perhaps well over a mile away, but the sound carries in the chill of night.


2001年秋 纽约







发表评论 评论 (7 个评论)

回复 红袖 2011-8-30 11:45
To: 宋德利 你曾经说:
原著里图片非常多,都很精美。可惜我不会转发到网上。 我开始不是说了吗。有的靠图片介绍,有的靠文字介绍风光。我这里就是后者吧。
回复 宋德利 2011-8-30 00:32
To: 红袖 你曾经说:
原著里图片非常多,都很精美。可惜我不会转发到网上。 我开始不是说了吗。有的靠图片介绍,有的靠文字介绍风光。我这里就是后者吧。
回复 宋德利 2011-8-30 00:30
To: 世和 你曾经说:
精彩文章! 如佩图就更好了
回复 宋德利 2011-8-30 00:28
To: 小月 你曾经说:
回复 红袖 2011-8-29 04:08
回复 世和 2011-8-29 00:44
精彩文章! 如佩图就更好了
回复 小月 2011-8-28 22:49


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