分享 海关报关师考试培训新课开课在即百感交集
肯维专业培训 2011-2-25 16:41
又一期海关报关班即将开课,送来一期迎来另一期,我们为社区还是培养很多人才,帮助了很多人找到工作,这还是很另我欣慰。 顺便把最新的schedule列出来,给有兴趣的人做参考。 Class Schedule for Live Online Program Every Saturday 12:30PM - 3:00PM (Eastern Standard Time) Total 16 sessions, 3 ...
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分享 海关报关师工作之我见
肯维专业培训 2010-11-11 12:47
海关报关师工作之我见: 美國海关报关师是由US Customs and Board Protection授权并监管,协助與代表进口商或出口商處理 海關業務包括進口清關服務并以此收取一定的服务费用,报关师需熟 练掌握关税查询,报关程序,海关估价,贸易协定,货物产地认证, 进出口贸易流程,货代与报关的作用等。美国海关严控报关师人数 ...
个人分类: 海关报关师考试培训|2752 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 Free Seminar: Import and Export Manager of Wiremold Company Sharing Int'l Trade
肯维专业培训 2010-11-9 22:56
We are going to invite former Wiremold Company import and Export Manager Stephan Xia to share his 15 years’ international trade experience on this Sunday November 14 from 5:15PM - 6:30PM . Lecture will be conducted in Mandarin. The seminar will be held in 13728 Northern Blvd 2nd Floor Flushing, ...
个人分类: 海关报关师考试培训|2268 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Info about Customs Broker
肯维专业培训 2010-6-12 15:50
Description Customs brokers are employed by importing and exporting organizations to clear goods through customs and ensure their timely delivery. They use their updated knowledge of trade laws and regulations to move shipments through customs as quickly and efficiently as possible. They ...
个人分类: 海关报关师考试培训|2745 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 肯维专业培训中心为社区免费举办进出口海关报关疑难解答与海关报关师工作介绍 ...
肯维专业培训 2010-6-8 13:47
在 06 月 06 日 星期天 ,肯维专业培训中心聘请 NYC Supply Chain Solutions Inc. 的海关报关师 Michael Yan 为社区就海关报关做了个免费的讲座。 Michael Yan 报关师在 JFK 开报关行,拥有美国纽约海事大学的国际物流硕士学位与十几年的经验。 在一个半小时里, Michael 老师以纽约 Chinatown 的衣厂变迁来阐述 ...
个人分类: 海关报关师考试培训|2906 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Foreign Languages Fade in Class — Except Chinese
肯维专业培训 2010-4-21 11:51
January 21, 2010 New York Times By SAM DILLON WASHINGTON — Thousands of public schools stopped teaching foreign languages in the last decade, according to a government-financed survey — dismal news for a nation that needs more linguists to conduct its global bu ...
个人分类: 纽约州公立老师培训|2230 次阅读|0 个评论

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