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热度 14已有 6177 次阅读2012-5-30 08:47 |个人分类:趣闻转载|系统分类:时政资讯| 丧家犬, 阎连科 分享到微信

曾经以禁书《为人民服务》而出名的作家阎连科的新作居然是英文写的短篇The Year of the Stray Dog 发表自纽约时报的opinion page (看法专栏) 我一向崇尚阎连科的写实风格,与文字上的真情实意。 当然,在中国能够愿意也有勇气去用真情写实现实社会的作家都不会得到什么好待遇,也不会有多少前途,因此,阎连科是我少数敬佩的作家之一。



还真有像我一样的好事之人, 看到这篇文章已经将它翻成了中文,登载网站上面。自然,这篇文章也属于不受待见之辈,被各种网编给删除下来。如今,说实话也是需要勇气的,这就是我对这篇文章的第一看法。


其实,阎连科写的所有内容都是我们耳熟能详的每日新闻,大家对公务员考试,强行拆迁,言论限制, 出版现状,以及金钱至上所带来的只埋头挣钱,不抬头看路的现状都非常清楚。但当这些事情统统落在一个人的身上时候,自然是悲剧,令人惊讶之余发人深省。




曾经,中国文人都追求思想的年代已经荡然无存,完全被拜金的社会所横扫千军, 从而转头下海。我认识一个国内导演,拍了电影无数,都是给军队拍摄的,内容自然都是红又专,因而无法作为商业影片出售,更没有多少人知道他的名气。但是这并不妨碍着这名导演的赚钱。如今,又做导演,又能够大把挣钱,还不用担心票房,没有任何精神压力的美事不多,这位曾经的艺术家转行的导演得到如此的机会,自然开心无比。如果他能够做到阎连科的一点点思想境界,就不会这么心安理得了。


当初阎连科写《为人民服务》一书时, 就遭到无法在国内出书的压力。小说描述了一位51岁因战争的原因丧失了性功能的51岁师长。 由于无法过正常人的生活,前妻抛弃了他。师长新娶的夫人是部队医院里32岁的漂亮女医生刘莲。师长精心挑选一位优秀的勤务兵吴大旺到他家担任勤务兵兼厨师。师长到北京学习两个月的时候,他们在家搞起了婚外恋。结果是刘莲怀上了勤务兵的孩子,师长夫妇为了感谢他,给他立了一等功,让他复员,安排在城市工作,全家由农村户口转为城市户口。而师长为了掩人耳目,借部队减编的机会,把在他身边工作过的人员,全部转业到地方工作。三天后,这个师宣布解散了,那些知道吴大旺和刘莲的性爱故事者,全部走掉了。不知道的人也全部走掉了。一个秘密被深埋在大家的遗忘里,就像一块黄金被扔在大海里。本来,这样一个描写军队生活的小说,就已经算禁忌内容了,而阎连科居然又用毛主席的语录,为人民服务作为标题,胆子也实在够大!当然,很多人都说他是为了吸引眼球而作出的创意,当时,我也信了。后来看到阎连科的这篇丧家犬, 我忽然对他肃然起敬。原来他一向就是这样,喜欢实话实说,而全然不仅不在乎社会上向钱看齐的风气, 还大有逆流而上的趋势。不管如何,一个作家敢于直言说真话,就是一个好作家的开始, 就应该得到应有的尊重。


如今从为人民服务到丧家犬,经过了很多年,而阎连科依然在自说自话,自走自路,即便这条道路注定崎岖不平,注定不受到市场与政府的欢迎。如果,没有一点精神境界,这种做法是很难的。这个世界就是这样,很多人为了发财而奔波,也有人为了挣钱而不计手段,还有人为了思想与精神的那点良心而愤世嫉俗,貌似百花齐放,都应该和平共处,得到相同的待遇。但事实上,有人就是要为了说真话而付出代价,失去很多本应该得到的东西。 正如作家自己在丧家犬里面质问的那样:“我不知道这几年获得的财富,是否真的让中国人民坚信,吃得饱、穿得暖真的比权利和尊严更重要?或者,在他们看来,一盘饺子,口袋里的一点钱,比权利和尊严更有用?” 是啊,即便如今大家都为财死,人的尊严还是应该有它的位置的。






按:这是作家阎连科发表在纽约时报上的一篇文章,原文名The Year of the Stray Dog,仓促译就,未征得作者本人同意,欢迎转载,请勿商用。作者:阎连科 翻译:刘少华



















11月的最后一天,离强拆期限只剩一天了,我在新浪微博上贴了一份对H和W的公开信,呼吁政府不要再跟被拆迁者玩 “猫鼠游戏”。我当然知道,这封信不会到达它该到的人手里,但我希望它能吸引足够的注意力,从而向当地政府施压,在强拆期间避免流血冲突。
















































The Year of the Stray Dog



BEIJING — Old habits die hard. Despite leaving my home in the countryside more than 30 years ago, I never feel that the first of January marks the start of a new year. In my hometown, the true beginning of a new year is the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year.


The year 2011 for me was as long and dark as a tunnel without light.


My dark 2011 started with my son’s search for a job. He had finished his studies in Britain and returned to China armed with a master’s degree in law. He believes that to make a difference in China he must start his career as a public servant within the legal system. However, because he is not a member of the Chinese Communist Party, it is almost impossible for him to sit for the national civil service exam to get the job he wants.



He considered joining the Communist Party more than once when he was an undergraduate. I talked him out of it every time, saying, “Do people have to be party members to get on in this life?” As a father, my son’s experience makes me feel I should kneel down in front of the party leaders and beg them to give young people who are not party members the same career opportunities it gives to those who have joined.


The darkness of 2011 continued. My latest work, “Four Books” — a novel that directly confronts the Chinese people’s traumatic experiences during the Great Leap Forward of the late 1950s and the subsequent famine — was rejected by almost 20 publishing houses. The reasons I was given were all along the same lines: Anyone who dares to publish my book in China is certain to be closed down.



The novel took me 20 years to plan and two years to write. It is important to me as a writer, and I know it will be an important contribution to Chinese literature. However, I am fully aware of the realities of publishing in China, so I have no choice but to accept the fate of my book. All I can do is sigh.


COMPOUNDING the nightmare of my book’s nonpublication in China was the forced demolition of my house for a road-widening project in Beijing. It came like a hurricane. No one bothered to show the evicted residents in my neighborhood any official documents relating to the project; the non-negotiable compensation was set at a flat 500,000 yuan (about $79,000) per household, regardless of the area of the land or the original construction cost. The residents were told, “Whoever cooperates with the government will be further rewarded 700,000 yuan.” That’s approximately $190,000 in total. This seemingly large sum in fact is only enough to buy a toilet in a good neighborhood in today’s Beijing.



The conflict between the residents and the demolition crew was intense. Residents pledged to defend their properties and dignity with their lives.


The battle raged for months. One day the wall surrounding the neighborhood compound was demolished at dawn. Some elderly battle-weary residents had to be rushed to the hospital. Then came news of a series of “burglaries” in the compound, which everyone knew was a tactic intended to intimidate residents. Reporting the burglaries to the police was as meaningless as an elementary school student reporting a lost pencil.


On Nov. 30, one day before the forced demolition deadline, I wrote a petition to the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Hu Jintao, and Prime Minister Wen Jiabao and posted it on Sina Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, urging an end to the game of cat-and-mouse played with people whose houses were about to be demolished. I knew the letter would not reach its intended recipients, but I hoped it would attract enough attention to pressure the local government to avoid bloodshed during the demolition.



My letter was widely reposted and spread nationwide almost instantly. Still, it had no more impact than a whisper in the wind.


AT ABOUT 5 a.m. on Dec. 2, a group of uniformed men and women wearing helmets broke into my neighbor’s house through a window. After having told the intruders that he objected to the demolition, my neighbor was taken away and locked up. A few large pieces of furniture were moved outside and his house was bulldozed. He later recalled that when he was taken away that morning, he saw more than 200 people, all uniformed and wearing helmets, surrounding his house.



In December, more than 30 families were finally coerced into agreeing to the demolition. That marked the end of my dark 2011. The experience made me realize that in reality the dignity of a citizen and a writer is no more significant than a hungry dog begging its master for food; in reality, the rights a citizen can actually enjoy are no more than the air a person can hold in his hand.



I wanted to cry. Sometimes I imagine it would be a great privilege to be able to cry aloud in Tiananmen Square in the center of Beijing.


People live like dogs in this society. I dream of being able to bark out loud in my books, and of turning my barking into exquisite music. This strange life and this strange dream keep me alive, and sometimes even give me confidence. At the same time, I am constantly disheartened.



Emotionally exhausted, I longed to leave the dark Beijing of 2011 behind me and go home. I longed for a new beginning in 2012 — a new beginning in my hometown, to be with my mother, to be with my relatives, to let their simple warmth take away the coldness, anxiety and fear that had enveloped me in the dark tunnel of 2011.



I WENT home. For 10 days I spent all my time with my 80-year-old mother, my elder brother and his wife and my nieces in our hometown of Songxian, in Western Henan province. We talked about the past, told jokes and played mahjong. Not a single word about my writing or my unhappiness was mentioned. It was as if we all lived perfect lives.


All I could see was bright sunlight. All I could feel was the love of my close relatives. For 10 days, we sat in front of the TV. We watched silly soap operas and the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. The TV programs were mediocre, but the love of my family pushed away the darkness of 2011. I felt safe.



On the eve of the Lunar New Year we ate a traditional meal of dumplings together. Mother gave me a portion of her dumplings to show her love. A few wisps of white hair fell onto a face that was beaming with happiness. “Our country is rich now. Isn’t it wonderful!” she said. “We can now have meat-filled dumplings, as often as we ate wild grass when we were poor.”



My elder brother was a postman who rode a bicycle to deliver letters all his working life. He is now retired and drives a car I bought with royalties from my books.“Why do people hate the government?” he asked me while driving to visit a relative in a remote mountain village. “Our lives are good. Isn’t that enough?”



My two elder sisters are farmers. They loved the soap opera about a wise Qing dynasty emperor who treated his subjects well. My sisters want me to write a soap opera script like that to garner fame and fortune. Just one successful soap opera would let the whole family bask in glory, they said.


I don’t know if my family truly believes these things, or whether they were just trying to comfort me. I don’t know if their newly acquired wealth makes the Chinese people truly believe that warm clothes and a full stomach are more important than rights and dignity. Or did they always think that a plate of dumplings and a bit of money in their pockets are more useful than rights and dignity?


I didn’t ask and didn’t really want to delve into it because I know there’s no clear-cut answer. As for myself, I’d rather uphold my dignity even if it means dying of starvation. This belief is in my blood. It is supposed to be the guiding principle for all men of letters, but for many in today’s China it is no more than gibberish. Why am I complaining? If even men of letters choose a bit of food and a little money over dignity, how can I criticize my less-educated relatives?


THE SIXTH day of the Lunar New Year is an auspicious day to travel. It was time to leave. All my relatives came out to say goodbye. Mother was in tears as always on such occasions. She was quiet until the last moment.




“Make friends with people in power,” she whispered in my ear. “Don’t do anything to annoy them.”



My brother sent me a text message after I left. “I didn’t say this to you because it was a festive time. Remember: Never do anything to annoy the government, no matter what.”



My nephew accompanied me to the nearby highway entrance ramp. “My mother asked me to tell you,” said the boy hesitantly, “Look after your health. Don’t write too much, and if you really must write, then write something that praises the government and the nation. Don’t become foolish with age.”


I nodded.

“Tell your grandma, uncle and your mother: Don’t worry about me. I’m fine. My writing is going well. I’m doing well. Apart from acquiring some wrinkles and white hair, nothing bad will happen to me.” I drove away.


As I drove, tears streamed down my face for no apparent reason. I just wanted to cry. Was it for my mother, my brother, my relatives and the strangers who forget about their dignity as long as they have enough to eat? Or for people like me who worship rights and dignity but live the life of a stray dog? I don’t know. I just wanted to cry out loud.


I pulled over and let my tears flow —down my face and in my heart. After a long while, after my tears dried, I started the car again. I was on my way back to Beijing, panting and anxious, like a stray dog lost in a dark tunnel.







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