分享 宁磊新诗二首:1.晨夜、2.仲月(原创首发)
leiningchina 2011-1-30 04:53
仲月 寅月在晨夜, 轻风拂人心。 万物悄无声, 隆冬好时节。 晨夜 圆月明照匿星光, 静夜沉寂无人声。 地为画布树为影, 天作背景星作风。
个人分类: 宁磊---诗|1526 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 宁磊小说第一部:溪水三洪(原创首发)
leiningchina 2011-1-30 04:43
本文 是作者原创首发,不经允许,不得转发引用,侵权必纠。 作者出生于山西省稷山县汾河南岸往北离汾河 20 来里远与河津县搭界的一个小村,村子位于一条大沟的起始处,这条大沟向北一直通向汾河,沟里有很多果树和野树野草,有很多天然的一定坡度的土坡,这里是村子里儿童们天然的玩耍乐园,当大雨和洪水来时,这 ...
个人分类: 小说|5018 次阅读|2 个评论
分享 流星过北斗(原创首发)
leiningchina 2010-12-27 21:54
流星过北斗         2010.12.15,阳历 卯点天空璀璨, 头上正方慢看。 流星粗重亮闪, 划过北斗奇观。
个人分类: 宁磊---诗|1804 次阅读|1 个评论
分享 盼狂风(原创首发)
leiningchina 2010-12-27 21:50
盼狂风       2010年,冬至次日。 狂风驱浊物, 满城透新意。 数九寒天里, 扫尽流毒气。
个人分类: 宁磊---诗|2344 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Lei Ning:Currency atavistic theory.
leiningchina 2010-12-21 07:28
rights reserved Currency atavistic theory:  Large negative value of the money supply, the performance is one of the negative value of the currency deposit products, while money is the currency of the birth of the predecessor product, the currency of this phenomenon is called currency atavis ...
个人分类: 宁磊---理论、观点、发现|1677 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 LEI NING:Negative value of the currency bubble theory.
leiningchina 2010-12-21 07:27
RIGHTS RESERVED Negative value of the currency bubble theory: Money is the essence of the bubble . Involved in the process of currency exchange , money is always a negative value to negative value of the products to be exchanged into a positive ...
个人分类: 宁磊---理论、观点、发现|1811 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 LEI NING:Negative value theory.
leiningchina 2010-12-21 07:26
RIGHTS RESERVED Negative value theory: In use, the number and extent of the use of a difference , then produced a surplus , that is, had a negative value. Negative value everywhere. The purpose of the negative value is converted to a negative val ...
个人分类: 宁磊---理论、观点、发现|1600 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 LEI NING:All currency 1:1 exchange system theory.
leiningchina 2010-12-21 07:25
RIGHTS RESERVED All currency 1:1 exchange system theory : 1:1 in all countries to achieve foreign exchange system, will address the current field in the currency and foreign currency generated a lot of contradictions. All national currencies ar ...
个人分类: 宁磊---理论、观点、发现|1460 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 LEI NING:Economic theory.
leiningchina 2010-12-18 21:16
RIGHTS RESERVED Constant value theory:  Value is a thing of the role, value is constant.  For a role, the role of the size and extent of how to determine? Such as the invention of electric light on the great progress of mankind, or the invention of the aircraft big progress of mankind? O ...
个人分类: 宁磊---理论、观点、发现|1660 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 LEI NING:Diminishing the value of principle and the formula.
leiningchina 2010-12-18 20:53
RIGHTS RESERVED Diminishing the value of principle and the formula:  Assuming a population with Y individuals, A product, A product of the total value of X, n is the number of products, then the total value of A product formula is:  X = 1+ 0.5+ 0.5 × (1-4 / Y)+ 0.5 × (1-4 / Y × 2)+ 0. ...
个人分类: 宁磊---理论、观点、发现|1573 次阅读|0 个评论

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