分享 On Marshal Chen Yi's 111-Birthday, Rainleaf translated one of his poems from Chi
umbrella0219 2012-9-11 10:39
【纪念陈毅元帅诞辰111周年(1901-8-26----2012-8-26】 ------Rainleaf 雨打萍 英译 陈毅一首诗】 陈毅 (1901-1972) 一闲 志士嗟日短 愁人知夜长 我则异其趣 一闲对百忙 & ...
1367 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Rainleaf 雨打萍 英译 陈毅元帅 诗
umbrella0219 2012-9-11 10:23
561 Rainleaf 雨打萍 英译 陈毅 五律《青松》 The heavy snow presses on the green pine, The green pine still straight standing high. if you want to know its noble temple, do wait for the melt snow with sunshine. 大雪压青松 青松挺且直 ...
1512 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2012-09-11
umbrella0219 2012-9-11 04:06
荷塘月色园剪影 Pictures Taken in the park of the Lotus Lake under the Moonlight ... 【My Diary】Yesterday I visiteda park entitled"Lotus Lake under the Moonlight ", which is located in the north suburb , S ...
1311 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 2
分享 我的博名是 雨打萍 英文博名 Rainleaf
umbrella0219 2012-9-10 08:13
《雨打萍致中文网》 我不知什么原因, 我不知什么原因, ...
1202 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 2

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