分享 糖尿病诊断标准  
医学怪物 2009-5-24 19:01
from  www.bdg365.com     糖尿病 的诊断依据是血糖和临床症状。以下诊断标准是1999年WHO、IDF公布,同年得到中华医学会 糖尿病 学会等认同,并建议在中国执行。    糖化血红蛋白:小于 6.0mmol/l(检查近三个月的血糖变化总体情况)    血糖浓度单位:mmol/l 静脉(全血) 毛细血管 静脉(血 ...
2069 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Diabetes classification
医学怪物 2009-5-24 19:00
from  www.bdg365.com Sub-type 1 diabetes mellitus (type 1 diabetes) and type 2 diabetes (type 2 diabetes) and gestational diabetes (gestational diabetes). Type 1 diabetes which occur in young people, their lack of insulin secretion, and must rely on insulin treatment to sustain life. Was par ...
1827 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Complications of high blood pressure
医学怪物 2009-5-21 19:06
from  www.bdg365.com Patients with essential hypertension as a result of sustained increased arterial pressure, lead to systemic small artery, thus affecting the blood supply to tissues and organs, resulting in a variety of serious consequences, as a complication of hypertension. Common comp ...
2007 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Six risk of high blood pressure signal
医学怪物 2009-5-21 19:05
from www.bdg365.com Headaches: multi-site in the brain, accompanied by nausea, vomiting flu. If recurrent headache, and very severe, nausea and vomiting at the same time, it may be essential to the malignant transformation of the signal. Vertigo: Female patients are more likely to squat or from ...
1659 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to correctly understand the effect of hepatitis B treatment criteria
医学怪物 2009-5-16 11:18
from   www.bdg365.com Many patients believe that only all the negative is the sole purpose of hepatitis B treatment. In fact, this view is incorrect and does not comply with the current actual situation of hepatitis B treatment. More objective criteria to determine the efficacy of science c ...
1974 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Prevention and treatment of hepatitis B
医学怪物 2009-5-16 11:17
from www.bdg365.com Difficult to eradicate hepatitis B, there is no specific drug treatment. Therefore, hepatitis B treatment should be integrated in many ways: 1, there must be strong will to defeat the enemy, while anger liver injury, in order to maintain a happy mood; 2, the virus activity i ...
1926 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 To prevent the fatty liver of eight kinds of food
医学怪物 2009-5-16 02:31
from www.bdg365.com A, oats with a great deal of linoleic acid and saponin-rich element can reduce the acid in serum cholesterol, triglyceride. Second, maize is rich in calcium, selenium, lecithin, vitamin E and so on, have reduced the role of serum cholesterol. Third, seaweed is rich in tauri ...
3260 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 The classification of fatty liver
医学怪物 2009-5-16 02:29
from www.bdg365.com。 Obesity and fatty liver Intrahepatic fat accumulation and body weight is directly proportional to the degree of moderate and severe fatty liver and obesity rate was as high as 61% change -94%; obese people after weight under control, the fatty infiltration also decreased o ...
588584 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Full basketball star Yao injured
医学怪物 2009-5-16 00:24
According to medical experts of  www.bdg365.com    records, Yao Ming had a career more than 20 injured. Beijing News May 10, Yao was checking out his left foot fracture, has been confirmed not to participate in the remaining games this season. This allows the semi-finals of the west ...
1905 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 篮球明星姚明受伤全记录
医学怪物 2009-5-16 00:22
根据白大褂在线 www.bdg365.com 医学专家记录,姚明职业生涯曾先后受伤20余次。北京时间5月10日消息, 姚明 左脚被检查出骨裂,已经确认无法参加本赛季剩余比赛。这让火箭西部半决赛的前景变得异常灰暗,以下是 姚明 职业生涯伤病史回顾―― 眉骨受伤 2003年, 姚明 结束了自己NBA第一个赛季的征程之后,回到了国内和 ...
1366 次阅读|0 个评论

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