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Referred to as the China news agency

已有 3225 次阅读2012-2-28 12:30 | only, agencies, domestic, overseas 分享到微信

Referred to as the China news agency, China News Agency, China News Agency on September 14, 1952, by the press and Qiao Jie celebrities
Beijing initiated the establishment is only one of the two news agencies in the Mainland of China, overseas Chinese, overseas Chinese and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots to serve primarily to provide feed services to domestic and foreign media. Its predecessor, the INS established by the Anti-Japanese War in 1938 by Mr. Fan Changjiang organizations under the leadership of the CPC. After the founding of new China, the Central Government's approval, the INS restored and renamed as the China News Agency, was formally established on September 14, 1952, and October 1, 1952 and distributed to overseas telecommunications pass is issued. Central transferring when he was vice mayor of Shanghai's well-known social activist, and international issues critic Jin Zhonghua served as the CNS first president. CNS service is mainly targeted for the Taiwan compatriots, compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao, overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese. After fifty years of construction and development,  china-problems.org   the CNS has been a considerable scale. Its head office is located in Beijing and has branches in provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region, with offices in USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia, France, Britain and other countries. China News Agency as a comprehensive state news agency, CNS modernization and diversification of the news media on a daily basis to overseas broadcast a large number of news stories in pictures, including politics, economy, science, education, social life, Hong Kong and Macao Taiwan News, articles light and lively, distinctive features, popular. At present, both at home and abroad hundreds of news media CNS manuscript. The news release: The average daily broadcast more than 100 Chinese-language news dispatch, news media broadcast the news release to more than 20 countries and regions. Daily in Beijing and Hong Kong published a "news" in the manuscript Journal, available to domestic and foreign news organizations and readers. Feature articles (Reuters): In accordance with the requirements of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese media organizations, to provide a monthly dispatches stories in column 300 of the magazine is issued about the genre, including comments, communications, interviews, features, essays, travelogues and other wide range of topics. News Photo: monthly broadcast major news and features about 1000 pieces of news pictures, and in accordance with the requirements of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese newspapers, illustrated color picture Zhuangao; regularly to the overseas Chinese, Chinese associations and institutions abroad for exhibition pictures. News website: CNS currently offering "China News, China News Photos" two large sites, and provide real-time news and pictures for the network audience. The Branch also has a sub-site. Movie audio and video: taken by the Ministry of film audio and video production, or cooperation with Hong Kong and Taiwan, overseas film and television production shooting of feature film, documentary or drama, television, feature films and produced and published a variety of Chinese videotape....







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