因网站改版更新,从9月1日零时起美国中文网将不再保留博客栏目,请各位博主自行做好备份,由此带来的不便我们深感歉意,同时欢迎 广大网友入驻新平台!
热度 1|
当年友谊第一比赛第二,出了事故不是把如何保障、争取受伤运动员的相关权益摆在首位,而是把息事宁人和尽量化解有关方面的责任作为处理原则,于是乎,桑兰 就被“牺牲”了。当然国家也尽量通过别的形式补偿桑兰,当明星,主持节目,出席各种仪式等等。当年的“牺牲”应该说是顺其自然的,是在中国没有完整工伤制 度的情况下,体委体协会尽其所能把事情办的圆满。如果桑兰安于那种被社会安排好了的生活方式,做她的轮椅明星,生活不富足但是很安逸,不在乎背着跳马“失 误”的黑锅,日子倒也不差。
To: jp00802 你曾经说:是啊,她披上马甲就以为大家不认识了,呆鹅一头。
第一,我为你画中尸感到深深地悲哀,在你眼里,ipad 是手机一悲哀!
To: jp00802 你曾经说:第一,我为 你感到深深地悲哀,
It is because my iPad doesn‘t have Chinese version. Besides, this is a New York based Chinese web site, I assume most people here understand English. If you don‘t understand, you have the choice to stay in your websites in China or be quite not to show us you are stupid.
To: 画中诗 你曾经说:To画中尸: It is because my iPad doesn‘t have Chinese version. Besides, this is a New York based Chinese web site, I assume most people here understand English. If you don‘t understand, you have the choice to stay in your websites in China or be quite not to show us you are stupid.
To: 画中诗 你曾经说:It is because my iPad doesn‘t have Chinese version. Besides, this is a New York based Chinese web site, I assume most people here understand English. If you don‘t understand, you have the choice to stay in your websites in China or be quite not to show us you are stupid.
To: jp00802 你曾经说:中文网。
A good lawyer try to protect the good, a bad lawyer try to protect the bad. Times might change, our interest will not change. A good deed is never lost, as the saying goes. In this case, Mr Liu and the family will win, for they have done a lot of good deeds, that will not be overseen by the court.
To: jp00802 你曾经说:中文网。
A good lawyer try to protect the good, a bad lawyer try to protect the bad. Times might change, our interest will not change. A good deed is never lost, as the saying goes. In this case, Mr Liu and the family will win, for they have done a lot of good deeds, that will not be overseen by the court.
To: winstonluo 你曾经说:而且中国政府这回根本不打算保护刘谢,桑兰才是自己人。对北京来说,人是有远近的,海明才是华人律师,莫虎只能算香蕉人。