因网站改版更新,从9月1日零时起美国中文网将不再保留博客栏目,请各位博主自行做好备份,由此带来的不便我们深感歉意,同时欢迎 广大网友入驻新平台!
Dear 听雨阿姨,
Thank you for your beautiful poem! I love it! I wish you were here to celebrate my birthday with me. If you come, I will hug you and be your friend! Your heart is very kind, it is nice and pretty like a diamond! You are very caring and thoughtful, and you are wonderful! If someone hurts you, then I will beat them up! I also wish you a Happy Valentine's Day! I love you! I just finished drawing this picture for you! I hope you like it!
点击下面链接 生日快乐!(祝天鹅公主的女儿生日快乐),这是“听雨潇潇”送给我女儿的生日礼物,我万分感激,听雨是一个很有才情,特别善良有爱心的女孩子,她就像是一位天使,来到了美国中文网博客,我们都很喜欢她,都很爱她。她的这份礼物,还有我的一句留言竟然引发了博客大战,有人故意想伤害她,希望我女儿这份礼物能够安慰她,也希望博友都能够自重自爱,不要故意引发事端,最后愿上帝赐福大家!愿大家都开开心心!
To: 听雨潇潇 你曾经说:谢谢妹妹,你开心,姐姐也开心。 你的英文很好。
To: 听雨潇潇 你曾经说:姐姐放心,我不会介意小人的伤害。收到宝贝的礼物妹妹开心极了,替我谢谢她,并吻她哦......
Dear Princess: Thank you for your encouragement and support! Auntie will always stand together with you, work side by side - forward, forward! Let us for a better tomorrow, study hard, physical fitness, co-fuel, fuel ...... right?
A good picture of your beautiful aunt very much, my collection, thank you! We wish you a happy birthday!
Kiss you, hug you!