因网站改版更新,从9月1日零时起美国中文网将不再保留博客栏目,请各位博主自行做好备份,由此带来的不便我们深感歉意,同时欢迎 广大网友入驻新平台!
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六月底的一个周五,我带我的俩个儿子来到了印第安纳的Indianapolis参加一个Pokemon游戏全国比赛,刚进旅馆我们预订好的房间,我第一眼就看到了桌子上有几只玻璃杯子在窗户光的照射下特别耀眼,心想,这下我可有好玩儿的了。等我们安顿好了以后,他俩一个在电脑上,一个在看电视,我呢,就拿出我的随身小相机Canon G11,开始玩儿这几只杯子,越玩儿越带劲,因为它们的变化多端让我吃惊,一开始我照的是杯子,可后来我的感觉它们已经不是杯具了,它们把我完全带进了一个即透明又复杂的梦幻世界。由于我的投入,我儿子们曾几次问我问题,我都没理他们,他们俩气愤地说,爸爸已经Crazy about这几只杯子了。
To: 你曾经说:谢谢网友的极大兴趣!
To: judia 你曾经说:Thanks a lot for your comment on my photos. It is hard to tell what your problem is till I see your work. The Canon G11 is a great camera but you have to know how to use it, actually it is not very hard to master. There are some tricks on it, as long as you know it, you will be fine. You asked how to take good pictures, there are a lot of things reflect on it. If we have chance to meet or you can email me to: xiezhen123@gmail.com we can discuss more. Hope you can get a little help from my MSG.
Hi, Sir
I just bought a G 11 a couple of weeks ago. I meant to take some great pictures during my Egyptian tour one week ago. Since i am not skillful with the functions of the camera plus my very limited photographing knowledge and skill, some of pictures came out failing to my expectation. And I missed a lot awe-inspiring scenery during the tour. How can i have the chance to know you and t
To: judia 你曾经说:I just posted a MSG for you. Thanks!
Hi, Sir
I just bought a G 11 a couple of weeks ago. I meant to take some great pictures during my Egyptian tour one week ago. Since i am not skillful with the functions of the camera plus my very limited photographing knowledge and skill, some of pictures came out failing to my expectation. And I missed a lot awe-inspiring scenery during the tour. How can i have the chance to know you and t