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au看客 2011-12-26 01:48
yan559b 2011-12-25 05:37
风木 2011-12-24 00:46
对岸的灯 2011-12-21 18:31
对岸的灯 2011-12-21 18:29
害人害己又海明 2011-12-20 22:48
freemancwj 2011-12-13 04:10
Jiangsan 2011-10-28 07:56

hbd0866 2011-10-23 08:21
Neptuner 2011-8-5 10:25


jdz301 2011-7-14 22:06
To: 清剿当代学术汉奸 你曾经说:

tswjc 2011-7-8 04:23
杨举芳 2011-5-29 22:06
清剿当代学术汉奸 2011-5-13 20:38
不师古 2011-4-20 20:50
好运长在常青树 2011-4-7 19:22
海明律师《挽起袖子,为桑兰再战CNN 》http://t.cn/hB1EgV 2008年北京奥运会前夕, CNN主持人卡佛提咒骂中国人是“恶棍和匪徒”。 我那时跟CNN打了一仗。 虽未大胜,也算小胜。······
park 2011-2-10 15:20
饶毅的为人 申鹭

park 2011-2-9 15:14
Chiming Wei, MD, PhD, received his M.D. from Beijing Medical University in China; a Ph.D. in Mie University School of Medicine in Japan. Dr. Wei performed his training in Cardiothoracic Surgery in Mie University School of Medicine and in Mayo Clinic. Dr. Wei was an Instructor in Mayo Clinic in 1993, an Assistant Professor and Associate Consultant in Mayo Clinic in 1995. Dr. Wei performed molecular biological training in Harvard University in 1995. He discovered a new Vasonatrain Peptide (VNP) and received an American and International Patent in 1996. Dr. Wei became an Associate Professor in Cardiovascular Surgery in the University of Maryland School of Medicine in 1996, and transfer to Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 2003 and directs cardiothoracic-renal nanomedicine research. Since 2010, Dr. Wei has served as Director of Chongqing Biomedical and Medical Equipment Research Center, Chongqing Academy of Science and Technology. Dr. Wei has served as President of American Academy of Nanomedicine in 2005; the President of American Nanomedicine Institute in 2007 and the Honorary President of International Academy of Nanomedicine in 2009. Dr. Wei is the Formal Funding Editor-in-Chief, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine; Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Cardiothoracic-Renal Research. Dr. Wei’s research interests are advanced nanomedicine technology research and development in clinical applications, oxidative mitochondrial DNA damage and DNA repair during ischemia-reperfusion injury. Dr. Wei is the principal investigator on several grants and he has received grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other organizations. Dr. Wei published over 150 refereed papers in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters and one of them has been chosen as a key paper in heart failure research by American Heart Association. Dr. Wei has been appointed to be the reviewer of the NIH Grant Study Section for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Biology and Medicine; the Irish National Nature Science Foundation; an Over-Sea Reviewer of the Chinese Academy of Science, and a Board Member of the Chinese National Key Grant on the Mechanisms of Heart-Brain Vascular Disease. Dr. Wei has been invited in over 150 keynote lecture or invited lectures in international, national and university conferences and visiting professorships. Dr. Wei received many honors and awards from various organizations, including the American Heart Association and American College of Cardiology. Dr. Wei is an Honored Member in the Interglobal Who’s Who in Medical Science and the Who’s Who in American Medicine and Healthcare
park 2011-2-9 14:57
Fake credentials in nanomed leader
Posted by Edyta Zielinska
[Entry posted at 25th June 2009 03:11 PM GMT]
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Experts in nanomedicine are questioning the credentials of a researcher who has portrayed himself as an expert in the fledgling field, even starting a professional society and procuring a post as editor of the journal Nanomedicine.

Indeed, an investigation of his credentials reveals that he claimed to hold a directorship of a non-existent program, co-authored only two original papers in nanomedicine (one of which, a co-author says, he contributed to only editorially), and was accused of mismanaging the professional society to the point that some board members resigned and began a new professional group.

Image: Wikimedia
“I think that this individual is a good example of a field that is poorly- or under-regulated,“ Summer Johnson, executive editor of The American Journal of Bioethics, told The Scientist. “Everyone trusted the fact that he appeared to have high quality credentials.“

Chiming Wei, president and founder of an organization called the American Academy of Nanomedicine (AANM), has the equivalent of a PhD from a Japanese institution and is a researcher in cardiothoracic surgery, but is not currently affiliated with any university. He started the group in 2005, when he was an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. The AANM‘s website lists Wei as Director of the Cardiothoracic-Renal Nanomedicine Program at Johns Hopkins, but according to the university, there is no such program. The Johns Hopkins press office was “unable to find evidence that this program exists,“ a university spokesperson wrote in an email.

Johns Hopkins created a virtual program called the Institute for NanoBioTechnology (INBT) to support scientists working in nanomedicine in May 2006, but Wei “was not director of anything with INBT, [he was] just one of many faculty members“ affiliated with the institute, Mary Spiro from Johns Hopkins‘ media relations department wrote in an email. “I have confirmed that, to the best of our knowledge, Wei did not apply for any grants through INBT nor did he conduct research with any of our other affiliated faculty members.“

Read more: Fake credentials in nanomed leader - The Scientist - Magazine of the Life Sciences http://www.the-scientist.com/blog/display/55800/#ixzz1DUPk6MQd
park 2011-2-9 14:54
Fake credentials in nanomed leader

Prof. Dr. Chiming Wei, M.D., Ph.D.
Director and Chief Scientist,
Chongqing Research Center for Biology-Medicine and Devices (CRCBMD)
Chongqing Academy of Science and Technology (CAST)
No. 2 Yongliu Road, Huangshan Avenue
New North Zone, Chongqing 401123, China
Tel: 86-23-6730-0872; Fax: 86-23-6730-0872

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