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已有 3312 次阅读2010-10-13 09:41 分享到微信

Will President Obama take my advice to Accept US$ 500 billion from China? 


    伟大的美利坚合众国首位黑人总统奥巴马采纳我的建议,我可以帮助他在一夜之间为美国筹措5千亿美元(USD 500 billion)的资金,这些资金将在3-6个月之间到位,全部用于购买美国倒闭的住宅和办公房屋。由此,那些已经倒闭、即将倒闭的美国房地产公司和银行,以及其它受因果效应影响的机构、个人等都将获得重生。这5千亿美元形成的蝴蝶效应将带来美国史无前列的经济瞬间复苏和持久的经济政治繁荣,不仅具有经济意义,而且具有久远的国际影响力的政治意义。


















中国有100万持有50万美元家当的人吗?北京目前100平方米的在售商品房的价格是300万元---450万元之间(US$440,000 to USD 660,000,北京市有1800万人口。中国有30多个省直辖市,13亿人口。100万人不足总人口的千分之一.










Will President Obama take my advice to accept US$ 500 billion from China

for free?


If the greatest first black President of United States of America is willing to take my advice, It will help him to raise US dollar 500 billion over night, which will be in place in 30 to 180 days, to pay for purchases of residential houses and office buildings. Therefore, those US real estate companies, banks that have already been in bankruptcy or are going into bankruptcy, and those who are affected so as a cause and result relationship including jobless families will get magical survival. This US$ 500 billion and its butterfly function will bring USA into greatest economic recovery at a minute in history of the Nation and sustainable economic and political prosperity, with significant & remote international political influence.


My advice is too simple and won’t cost a penny of US government. What is it? It is the Chinese policy in use---buy house and get residential household (local citizenship of the city where your newly bought house is located).


If Mr. Obama takes my advice and appears to the Houses of both Senate and Representatives for a special act to grant Green Cards, with waive for minimum staying period in USA (they have to manage their business in China or internationally), to 1 million Chinese applicants (consumers) who will have met following conditions: to pay USD 500,000 cash at one installment, to purchase residential house or office buildings ($$ amount for payment of house shall not be less than $300,000. The balance of $200,000 shall be deposited with any US bank for disbursements of consumption during the coming 3 to 5 years!


Americans don’t have to worry that these 1 million Chinese will tend to live and stay in USA permanently, competing with local citizens for jobs. Any Chinese who is able to put out on table such US$ 500,000.00 are nothing else but people who are at level leading the chief economic trends here in China, biggest supporter to Chinese government economically but not necessarily ideologically. Their businesses to create value and cash are all here in China. They will expatriate their sons and daughters into schools in USA and they themselves will continue to stay in China making money and transfer it to USA for their consumption and their upcoming visits to USA. To make money in China but to spend it in USA! Why?


 Such one million are willing to obtain USA green cards, not necessarily US passports, not for economic reasons but because they are supporting US social system and cultural spirits upholding fairness and justice. They long to live in a society harmoniously developed and scientifically managed, a world of freedom, democracy and justice, under a government who guarantees each of its citizen an anti-bullet life-vest of same quality made of USA constitution and rules applied to any of its citizens! The biggest possible threat―if USA takes it so, they think they too can also one day make their children the President of USA because they have seen Mr. Obama has made it! And another Bill Gates too…! Apparently President Obama is doing well in favor of its citizens and Bill Gates has created enormous fortune and endless job for US government and its people. They are doing good for the nation!


These one million Chinese will be scattered in 50 to 100 big and middle, small cities of USA. Each city will then have lots of things and services selling to them.


After US government has granted green cards to these one million people and obtained their $500 billions, it again will accept their children for schooling and train them and their parents with USA thinking and perspectives, lifestyle, make money out of them by providing goods and services in respect of education, supply of food, house-livings and travel etc. And all US golf causes and casinos will be crowded with Chinese too! Chinese restaurants and “foot message” stores may be increased largely (Number of newly opened restaurants will not be too many but will be more than the lower end foot message business, as ordinary Chinese people still look down upon the lower level services) to help appetite and health of US citizens. The US economy will be in boom nationwide and thus a big spur to the world economy.


What will be the impacts on China’s politics, economics and social culture after the children of the one million immigrants return to China with their US thoughts and lifestyle?


Are there one million people in China now each holding such cash of $500,000? The price for a residential apartment of 100 square meters in Beijing now priced for RMB 3 to 4.5 million (it’s US$ equivalent $440,000.00 to 660,000.00). Beijing has a population of more than 18 million today.


The US$500 billion equals to 63.32% of $789.6 billion, current balance of Chinese government credits against US treasury bonds by end of November 2009. This means, by USA taking in one million richest Chinese people and its fortune, plus values created by their relocation directly and indirectly, it will certainly help US government to liquidate overnight all its debts owed to China with surplus!  Why should Obama cabinet and US Parliament refuse to accept such US$ 500 billion by refusing my such advice?


Then the issue will arise, after Obama or US Parliament passes such special act, as to what measures the Chinese government shall take to either encourage―if it has confidence in its people for its good deeds, or to curb it―if it knew what it is doing hurt its people permanently? I guess the Chinese government will immediately enact laws to prohibit or restrict withdrawal of cash from banks, and cash flow out of China of these people, and will try to freeze their assets. Those people who can show $500,000.00 should be guys well educated, highly capable, and those who can care for others after feed himself well enough, responsibilities not only for himself but for others and society. There are of cause some of them are poorly educated millionairs including coal mine owners, smugglers, owner of whore houses. They will have to return to China after they spend out all he has owned and find them hard to stay in USA any longer out of jail but their money will have been spent as what it should be for.


This will bring China another practical influence, the real estate industry burns split and apart immediately! Everyone is trying hard to sell their houses in China for money to buy houses in USA. Chinese real estate falls apart just like burble! All Chinese skyscraper banks will fall down flat due to real estate bad debts and crazy residential withdrawal of cash. China’s economy collapses, Politics...? It’s hard to say.


Will there be confrontation, conflicts and war without smoke of bombing between these two countries as a consequence of Obama’s such Presidential Act??







发表评论 评论 (2 个评论)

回复 馗神王 2010-11-19 10:11
回复 海天 2010-10-18 00:30


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